Tiffany Burns

Tiffany Burns

Nascimento : , Grand Rapids, Michigan


Tiffany Burns is an actress, known for her starring roles in The Messenger's Box, Rodeo Girl, Lifestone Velocity, and others.


Tiffany Burns


After a high school senior working on his pilot’s license rescues a dog named Oreo, he finds out his mom is a CIA agent who’s been captured. He teams up with Oreo and a new friend to find his mother and uncover double agents inside the CIA.
The Taker's Crown
The legendary King Wiglaf must assemble the most unlikely team to find The Taker's crown of power before Tome, the Titan thief, claims it and brings destruction upon humanity.
Nurse (uncredited)
Quatro amigos invadem a instituição psiquiátrica abandonada na esperança de encontrar um certificado de óbito, que concederá a um deles o direito a uma herança considerável. Logo, o grupo não só descobre que lugar abriga uma história horrível, mas também a verdade sobre seus próprios e trágicos passados.
Best Friends Genetically Modified
Dr. Tingle
Jackson's unhealthy eating habits lead to persistent nagging by his lady friend, which triggers Jackson to break off the relationship. Tony picks up the health baton and starts pressuring Jackson to take care of his body, emphasizing to him that the body is the temple of the Holy Spirit and that he cannot serve God with all his heart if his heart and other organs are laboring to fight off self induced toxin poisoning. Jackson takes sides in the ongoing battle for the right of people to choose their own medical treatment. He partners up with Tony and Julie to become a champion for those underdogs who fight against Big Pharma and the Monsantos of the world who reap a fortune as they seize power to run the lives of the little people and jeopardize the future of the planet in their attempt to misuse science and political science to usurp God.
Tempo de Mudanças
House Mistress
Uma adolescente vive com sua mãe na Inglaterra, onde se dedica a cavalgar para participar de torneios. Sua mãe anuncia que irá se casar com o namorado e eles farão uma longa viagem, e ela será enviada para os EUA para ficar com seu pai durante o Verão, o lado bom é que seu cavalo poderá ir com ela. Apesar de insatisfeita, a jovem aceita ir com o pai e acaba se apaixonando pelo que vê.
O Mensageiro
Jake Casper, an ordinary high school student, finds a powerful, extraordinary box in the attic of his Grandpa's antique store. He must learn the purpose of the box, the power within it, and overcome all obstacles in his way before it is too late.
American Sharia
City Council Meeting Attendee (uncredited)
Fast paced, action packed comedy. Tension flares in The Motor City as Officer Richardson profiles every Muslim he sees as a terrorist. He goes on an arrest frenzy, which makes the community activists, Jihad and Osama take to the streets and rally the people to stand up for their rights. The Chief of Police wants to gain the trust of the Muslim community in order to get re-elected, but Attorney Leila Rodriguez is standing in the way with a discrimination law suit against Officer Richardson and the Motor City Police Department. The Chief calls on his most unreliable detective, Mohammed and partners him with a Middle Eastern, Sharia Law fanatic, Detective Abdul. The Chief wants them to "Speak Muslim To The Muslims" which he thinks will guarantee his re-election. - Written by Omar Regan
The Parricidal Effect
For his past to be concealed, he must first face his darkest enemy - himself
Confidence of a Tall Man