Fanny Kemble is a famous star of the English stage, but while touring the United States, she gives up her career to marry wealthy American Pierce Butler. Moving with him from Philadelphia to his Georgia plantation, Fanny sees slavery firsthand, and her outrage leads her to help the family's slaves in open defiance of her spouse. Undaunted by the consequences, Fanny eventually writes a book that strengthens the anti-slavery movement.
An NTSB investigator (Jaclyn Smith) and her boyfriend (Bruce Boxleitner), who works for the FAA, investigate a series of similar and suspicious plane crashes that seem to be affecting only one airline.
Após a explosão da lua Praxis os klingons são obrigados a propor um acordo de paz, para garantir a sobrevivência de sua espécie. A tripulação da Enterprise é convocada a escoltar a missão diplomática klingoniana até o local a reunião, mas a nave klingon é atacada e o seu chanceler acaba sendo morto. E tudo indica que o ataque partiu justamente da Enterprise.
Um agente do governo atribui um cientista para ajudar um de seus agentes rastrear um desertor russo que é um cyborg. Enquanto isso, uma organização conhecida como The Order superior está tramando para dominar o mundo, usando os poderes do cyborg.
An intergalactic fighting competition between champions of various worlds has traditionally been won by a species much larger and stronger than humans. Entering the contest, a human finds he has to battle against not just his opponents and his self-doubts, but the corrupt system. Far in the future, on a distant space station, the legendary Arena is where the best fighters from every planet come to vie for the championship. But for over half a century, no Earthling has been good enough to be a contender. Until out of nowhere, comes an underdog: the great human hope, Steve Armstrong... and the best anyone's ever seen. He's been training all his life for a shot at the big time, but now he's up against some mighty big muscle: a ruthless extra-terrestrial crimelord who'll pull no punches to make sure he stops Steve dead. In the mood for hard-hitting sci-fi action? Arena will knock you out!
In the 17th century, an order of monks in Italy capture and entomb a demon that has possessed a member of their group. 400 years later, school teacher Elizabeth Magrino visits the monastery in order to do some research. What she and the current monks do not realize is that the evil hiding within the catacombs has unwittingly been released.