Rae Sunshine Lee

Rae Sunshine Lee

Nascimento : 1955-12-17,


Born Rachel M.B. Renish, youngest of ten, Rae Sunshine Lee is a singer, actress, science fiction novelist and poet. In the 1960s, she was a child model in the Sears/Roebuck magazine for four years, even appearing on the cover. She also appeared in commercials such as Chatty Cathy: This Is Mattel's Family of Chatty Dolls (1962) with Maureen McCormick, and made appearances on Bonanza (1959) and Bozo the Clown (1959). Lee has published three books: "As Timeless as Infinity", "The Elsewhen of Drixdada", and "Musings of Sunshine: A Lifetime in Verse". The first two books are science fiction novels, and (at the time of this writing) she is working on a third to complete the trilogy. She has written two screenplays and is looking forward to directing her first project, a fantasy film. Lee is attending school to further her education in the field of Human Services. She is a great defender of children everywhere and has done volunteer work for years as a children's civil rights advocate. She also got her pastoral license to aid a burgeoning jail house ministry.


Rae Sunshine Lee
Rae Sunshine Lee
Rae Sunshine Lee


Tim and Eric Awesome Show Great Job! Awesome 10 Year Anniversary Version, Great Job?
Pastor Sunshine
Tim and Eric, in their bizarre world, compete for attention in their respective martial arts display.
Loss And Found
A young man is devastated after losing his best friend, his dog Russell. Eventually he finds purpose in his life through saving the lives of more rescue dogs. Loss and Found is a heartfelt comedy and true story that addresses issues surrounding rescue dogs.
All American Christmas Carol
Trailer park resident
A white-trash mom is visited by three ghosts intent on showing her a path to a brighter future.
Another Happy Anniversary
Rita the Beater
Tom and Jeanne want to be adventurous for their 10th anniversary so they decide to have a threesome. Easier said than done.
Honk If You Miss Randy Todd
Hometown Resident
Ben and his girlfriend are catapulted into a bizarre, small town funeral for his uncle, Randy Todd. At the service, Ben is thrown to the wolves when he is forced to referee between Randy's two feuding families.
Teen a Go Go: A Little Film About Rock and Roll History
On the evening of February 9, 1964, Ed Sullivan introduced The Beatles to America. The next morning 10 million teens had something new to do. With their jaws still on the floor and inspiration stirring within, thousands of youngsters knew their destiny lay in rock and roll. Banging away in their parents garages, teen bands created timeless music. Teen A Go Go is a rock and roll stomp from beginning to end, providing an entertaining, nostalgic ride into the vibrant teen scenes of the mid 1960's. Featuring original recordings, never before sen super 8 movies, rare archival footage, photographs and interviews with musicians, fans and industry experts. Teen A Go Go captures this historic burst of creativity that swept the nation and changed rock and roll forever.
Tim and Eric's Billion Dollar Movie
Shrim God 1
Two guys get a billion dollars to make a movie, only to watch their dream run off course.
Waffle Hut
Rita the Beater
After graduating from Brown University, Hope Danelles finds herself failing miserably trying to make a go of it in New York and ends up moving back to her hometown of Traver. Ohio. After realizing the small town has very little going on, Hope is forced to take a job at the local Waffle Hut.
Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Great Job! Chrimbus Special
Del Tongs Dominatrix
Join Messers Heidecker and Wareheim for an exciting winter holiday that's taking the world by storm with the Tim & Eric Awesome Show, Great Job! Chrimbus Special.
Círculo Mortal
Hospital worker
Um grupo de estudantes de psicologia tem a tarefa de passar alguns dias na casa de infância de um serial killer para aprender mais sobre sua juventude. Passados nove anos desde sua prisão, agora, o assassino está foragido, mas os estudantes não imaginavam que ele faria uma visita a sua casa.
Wedding Guest
"Magic" the dog is an angel sent to heal a broken family. Brad is a lawyer, doing the best he can to raise his daughter Kayla without the wife he misses. Kayla is longing for her mother, who died seven years before. Sarah is a medical research scientist who has had an epiphany caused by Magic the dog. As Magic escapes the research lab where he is a subject, and he is pursued by Dr. Ortero and the laboratory's entire security force, he fulfills his angelic role as the catalyst that helps Brad, Kayla and Sarah discover their love for each other. —Executive Producer
The Perfect Game
Baseball Fan #3
Based on a true story, a group of boys from Monterrey, Mexico who become the first non-U.S. team to win the Little League World Series.
O Amigo da Onça
Girl at Bar
Após um grupo de amigos testemunhar um terrível crime horrível, eles se perguntam como tiveram a sorte de escaparem ilesos, enquanto um amigo foi morto. Através desta auto-descoberta, eles começam a compreender o significado de seu próprio destino. Com o tempo, eles têm a chance de buscar algum tipo de redenção. Ou não.
Maluca Paixão
Featured Lounger
Mary Horowitz (Sandra Bullock) é uma mulher excêntrica que trabalha criando palavras cruzadas. Ela está convencida que Steve (Bradley Cooper), um cinegrafista da CNN, é o grande amor de sua vida. Por isso passa a persegui-lo ao redor do país, na esperança de convencê-lo que foram feitos um para o outro.
Play the Game
Woman in Laundry Room
When ladies' man David Mitchell (Paul Campbell) gives his lonely grandfather, Joe (Andy Griffith), some pointers on dating, Joe becomes a big hit with the women in his retirement community. But David strikes out with his own tricks when he tries to woo a girl named Julie (Marla Sokoloff). Now it's up to Joe to teach his grandson how to win at love without playing games. Doris Roberts and Liz Sheridan co-star in this award-winning comedy.
Sim Senhor
Airport passenger
A vida de Carl Allen tem sido um tropeço só – um divórcio melancólico e um trabalho sem grandes perspectivas. Só que agora ele resolveu viver a vida e dizer "Sim" para tudo. Pular de bung-jump? Sim. Aceitar todas as promoções que aparecem na TV? Sim. Aprender coreano? Sim. Pegar um avião sem destino programado? Sim. Rir em alto e bom tom, sem razão aparente? Sim!
Ball Don't Lie
Basketball fan
BALL DON’T LIE plays out over one day in the life of Sticky (film newcomer and streetball legend Grayson “The Professor” Boucher), a skinny 17-year-old high school junior and basketball prodigy from Venice, California. Burdened with emotional scars from early life tragedy, a callous foster care system, and Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder, Sticky manages to transcend his limitations whenever he has a ball in his hands.
La mejor lucha
Lead fighter's mother
Mexican feature film
A Vida é Dura: A História de Dewey Cox
Concert attendee
Biografia de um cantor fictício, considerado uma lenda da música norte-americana que, como tantos outros cantores famosos de origem humilde, vive uma vida de excessos, é derrotado pelas drogas e se redime através do amor de uma mulher.
Alvin e os Esquilos
Concert Attendee (uncredited)
Um produtor musical descobre um talentoso trio de esquilos falantes. Repentinamente, eles são a nova sensação do mundo da Música. Mas um produtor ganancioso tenta explorá-los e envia-os numa tournée estafante, só para encher os bolsos.
Politician promotes her candidacy.
Lake Evermore
A well to do couple assume the property left to them in a family will. The idyllic Lake Evermore and it's population of eager to please townsfolk begin to change as the Turner's inquire about the towns isolation from the outside world.
Anti-Herói Americano
O balconista de hospital Harvey Pekar (Paul Giamatti) deixa cair no chão alguns arquivos de óbito e encontra a ficha de um homem que trabalhou a vida inteira como balconista em Cleveland ­ um emprego burocrático, exatamente como o dele. Esse episódio, combinado com o fato de ter visto o seu amigo Robert Crumb (James Urbaniak) se tornar uma pequena celebridade em São Francisco como cartunista, o inspiram a criar a sua própria revista em quadrinhos, chamada American Splendor. A revista, publicada em 1976 com grande sucesso, retratava com realismo o cotidiano do próprio Harvey, um amante compulsivo de jazz e livros. Trata-se de uma biografia.
Tudo por um Segredo
Após tentar roubar um carro, Cosimo (Luis Guzmán) é preso em flagrante, em plena Collinwood. Ao chegar à cadeia ele conhece um outro presidiário, condenado à prisão perpétua, que lhe explica o plano de um grande roubo. Empolgado com a idéia, Cosimo precisa sair da prisão para dar prosseguimento ao plano e, com isso, pede a Rosalind (Patricia Clarkson), sua namorada, que encontre alguém que assuma a autoria de seu crime em troca de US$ 15 mil. Rosalind vasculha toda Collinwood, mas encontra mais interessados em participar do plano de Cosimo do que em trocar de lugar com ele. Até que ela encontra Pero (Sam Rockwell), um boxeador fracassado que aceita assumir a autoria do crime. Confiante no sucesso do plano, Cosimo conta a Pero os detalhes do plano, mas o que ele não contava era que o juiz não acreditaria na história de Pero e o libertaria, deixando-o livre para colocar o plano em prática sem a participação de Cosimo.
Tudo por um Segredo
Rita the Beater (uncredited)
Após tentar roubar um carro, Cosimo (Luis Guzmán) é preso em flagrante, em plena Collinwood. Ao chegar à cadeia ele conhece um outro presidiário, condenado à prisão perpétua, que lhe explica o plano de um grande roubo. Empolgado com a idéia, Cosimo precisa sair da prisão para dar prosseguimento ao plano e, com isso, pede a Rosalind (Patricia Clarkson), sua namorada, que encontre alguém que assuma a autoria de seu crime em troca de US$ 15 mil. Rosalind vasculha toda Collinwood, mas encontra mais interessados em participar do plano de Cosimo do que em trocar de lugar com ele. Até que ela encontra Pero (Sam Rockwell), um boxeador fracassado que aceita assumir a autoria do crime. Confiante no sucesso do plano, Cosimo conta a Pero os detalhes do plano, mas o que ele não contava era que o juiz não acreditaria na história de Pero e o libertaria, deixando-o livre para colocar o plano em prática sem a participação de Cosimo.
9 Lives
Park Resident
The last of the Billabong Challenge series, Challenge four, in Indo, and Challenge five, in Australia. Indo did not deliver the surf necessary to complete one round so it was cancelled until the following year. Starring Rob Machado, Kalani Robb, Luke Egan, Shane Dorian, Tom Curren, Sunny Garcia, Mark Occhilupo, Taylor Knox, Pancho Sullivan, with appearances by Margo and Kelly Slater. Winner of "Surfer Magazine Video of the Year Award" 2000 Best Cinematography Award.
Jan-Gel, the Beast from the East
Hippie Hooker in Front of the Marriott
A Fire in the Sky
crowd onlooker
Astronomers discover a comet that they believe will crash into Phoenix, Arizona. They attempt to warn officials, but without 100% certainty, the governor of Arizona is reticent to cause a panic. Even after a television news reporter discovers the truth and threatens to go live with it, the response is understated enough to doom some residents of Phoenix to certain death.
Rota Suicida
Featured townsperson
O sonho de todo o policial é resolver "o grande caso". Para Ben Shockley não podia ser diferente. Porém, seu sonho desmorona quando ele é designado a trazer de Las Vegas uma testemunha desclassificada para um julgamento que não vai dar em nada. Ela é Gus Mally, uma prostituta bonita e extremamente teimosa que está sendo caçada pelos bandidos que ela delatou. Realmente, Shockley está com um grande problema. Mas ele tem que cumprir sua missão a qualquer custo.
Mary Poppins
Little Girl (uncredited)
Na Londres de 1910, o banqueiro Mr. Banks, um homem frio que trata com rigidez Jane e Michael, seus filhos sapecas, não consegue contratar uma babá, pois elas desistem facilmente do emprego. Em uma noite, enquanto redige com sua esposa um anúncio de jornal procurando uma babá, sua filha Jane aparece com uma carta mostrando como seria uma babá perfeita. Esta carta acaba chegando nas mãos de Mary Poppins, que é tudo aquilo que está descrito na carta. Mary Poppins possui poderes mágicos e, com seu amigo faz-tudo Bert, transforma a vida daquela família, com muita música, magia e diversão.
House of Women
An innocent, pregnant prison inmate (Shirley Knight) becomes the bad warden's (Andrew Duggan) personal favorite.
A Taste of Fear: Return of the Cleveland Torso Killer
Assistant Director
Multi generational killer comes back to haunt the streets of Cleveland
Beany's Coffee Shop
Beatnik Barbie
Beatniks and puppets unite with people at a coffee shop
Spirutual Warfare Conference
Pastor Sunshine
A gathering of Believers to a Fellowship of teachings a song.
Silver Spur Ranch
Casting Director
Western movie set in current day.
Silver Spur Ranch
Western movie set in current day.
Pounders Cafe: The Blind Date
Blind date (Grace)
May December bar romance
Foe The One
female half of kissing couple
Band leader has a very strange dream
Sweet Thing: Change of Seasons
Hero Girl
Band singing at the beach
Black and Jewish (Black and Yellow Parody)
Jewish Gramma
fun in a jewelry store
For Grace
Murder in the town?
The Big Noir 2
No review available at this time
The Big Noir
No review available here
Interview with a Homicide Detective
A grizzled bettered detective makes a comeback and tried not to become a victim himself.
Interview with a Homicide Detective
A grizzled bettered detective makes a comeback and tried not to become a victim himself.
comedy about Tarzan, Jane, and a dancing monkey.
Outlets USA
Help Desk CSR
A big opening in Cleveland, Ohio
Will Work For Food
Farmer's wife
A jobless machinist, Billy, tired of begging for jobs and dumpster-diving, makes a sign for help using ketchup from a fast-food joint. Everyone ignores him except Kurt, a slick, fast-talking, completely untrustworthy guy who seems like all the used-car salesmen in Ohio put together. He offers Billy a cheeseburger for washing his car. No problem. That accomplished, Kurt ups the stakes by offering Billy an option to do another errand for a steak dinner. The tasks seem innocuous, but Billy begins to show up on many security cameras, and Kurt's requests get stranger and stranger, the stakes higher and higher, until there's a final, irrevocable task. Cleveland landmarks look refreshing in this feature film, and the camera picks up other corners of the city you may have never seen.—David Jones
McDonald's: The Moment
Wealthy Horse Track Gambler
Family time at McDonalds
Little Pricks: Awakenings
Pro-Choice Hippie Protester
Picketing at an abortion clinic
Office worker 1
Life on the slopes
Seeing: Herods Wake
Junior Detective
Psychic working with police
Turkey Day
Short-sighted shopper
It's a cold day before Thanksgiving. Joseph, an aging homeless man, is given a big frozen turkey, by a well-intentioned woman, embarrassed by her own guilty conscience. Now, with little more than a howling stomach, Joseph sets out on a desperate journey to get to eat the turkey. His often-comedic odyssey leads him across the city, experiencing along the way the many different attitudes toward the homeless. Challenged by a loss of Hope, he ultimately finds his hunger satisfied in the courage of Giving.
Darius' aunt
A gay bashing in the nineties
A mission that goes forcefully wrong, soldiers trapped on a alien world. An operation to search for a new planet to save the human race has now turn ed into an obligation of surviving the unknown.
Ugly Shoes
Hippie at a Beach Funeral for Peter
A story about shoes
Possum Stew
Aunt Sunshine
Comedic silliness
The Lost Family
This is a short, dramatic film, that endeavors to show how one family is affected by, and deals with, Alzheimer's.
The Lost Family
This is a short, dramatic film, that endeavors to show how one family is affected by, and deals with, Alzheimer's.
The Lost Family
This is a short, dramatic film, that endeavors to show how one family is affected by, and deals with, Alzheimer's.
Balls For Brooklyn
Rita the Beater
Movie ab out an interesting diner in New York.
Judge and Jury
Hippie drug dealer
The life of a dependable young man who is actually an insane killer
Fight Time
Graphic Designer
Drama about a fighters rise to fame and his romances
Fight Time
Production Manager
Drama about a fighters rise to fame and his romances
Fight Time
Wealthy Gambler
Drama about a fighters rise to fame and his romances
Maul In The Family
All in the Family meets Star Wars
A Taste of Fear: Return of the Cleveland Torso Killer
Production Manager
Multi generational killer comes back to haunt the streets of Cleveland
A Taste of Fear: Return of the Cleveland Torso Killer
Elise Alexsander
Multi generational killer comes back to haunt the streets of Cleveland
The Deep Dark Woods: No Witnesses
The sole survivor from the original "Deep Dark Woods" is confined to a mental hospital when his doctor & a group of investigators trek back to the scene of the crime, searching for clues.