Guillaume Tobo


No Gods No Masters
The story unfolds in the winter of the year 1215. A mysterious stranger who has escaped from prison arrives in a tiny, remote village in the kingdom of France plagued by famine and leprosy, and ruled by an ageing lord, a former hero from the Crusades, Lord Ocam. Together with his horde of knights, Ocam abducts a young girl from the village in order to exert his droit du seigneur over her. A handful of villagers, backed up by The Stranger, attempt to release her, but they only have until nightfall…
No Gods No Masters
The story unfolds in the winter of the year 1215. A mysterious stranger who has escaped from prison arrives in a tiny, remote village in the kingdom of France plagued by famine and leprosy, and ruled by an ageing lord, a former hero from the Crusades, Lord Ocam. Together with his horde of knights, Ocam abducts a young girl from the village in order to exert his droit du seigneur over her. A handful of villagers, backed up by The Stranger, attempt to release her, but they only have until nightfall…
Uma mãe e seu filho vão ao sul da França passar uma semana em uma casa de verão que estão tentando vender. Neste cenário, a desintegração da família toma forma e as coisas tornam-se mais complicadas com a entrada de um enigmático rapaz na vida dos dois.
Uma mãe e seu filho vão ao sul da França passar uma semana em uma casa de verão que estão tentando vender. Neste cenário, a desintegração da família toma forma e as coisas tornam-se mais complicadas com a entrada de um enigmático rapaz na vida dos dois.