Gerrit Martijn


Em Busca de Mim
Line Producer
Neste drama peculiar, uma mulher viaja sozinha para uma ilha italiana, mas acaba tendo uma experiência inesperada em um intenso retiro de autoajuda.
A Batalha Esquecida
First Assistant Director
Durante a Segunda Guerra, na crucial Batalha do Rio Escalda, três vidas bem diferentes se cruzam. Veja a batalha sob suas perspectivas.
A Batalha Esquecida
Line Producer
Durante a Segunda Guerra, na crucial Batalha do Rio Escalda, três vidas bem diferentes se cruzam. Veja a batalha sob suas perspectivas.
All You Need Is Love
First Assistant Director
When popular TV show host Dr. Love goes missing ahead of the annual Christmas special, a zany search for his replacement and holiday romance ensues.
The Fantastic Family Hotel
Line Producer
Kos (13) is going through the most bizarre period in his life. His mother died a few years ago and his dad is having a heart attack. While Kos’ father is in the hospital, it looks like the hotel he is running will be a big mess. But Kos and his three sisters do not intend to let that happen. After the siblings find out that father is deep in financial problems, the hotel is threatened with closure. The children however come up with a solution: someone has to win the local beauty pageant, with a hefty cash prize attached.
The Happy Housewife
First Assistant Director
Lea is an immaculate 30-something wife whose husband’s job in real estate allows her an enviably glossy lifestyle. The word ‘emancipation’ simply isn't in her vocabulary and as long as the money rolls in, all is rosy. So, when Harry Jr. arrives, she is a little traumatized at having to swap canapés for nappies.
Killer Babes
Line Producer
When three wealthy women hire a hit man to get rid of one of their cheating husbands, everything goes wrong.
O Cozinheiro, o Ladrão, Sua Mulher e o Amante
First Assistant Director
O gângster Albert Spica (Michael Gambon) janta todas as noites no restaurante Le Hollandais em companhia de seus capangas e sua esposa Georgina (Helen Mirren). Cansada dos modos violentos e grosseiros do marido, Georgina flerta com um solitário Michael (Alan Howard). Com a cumplicidade do chefe de cozinha Richard (Richard Bohronger), os dois amantes fazem sexo às escondidas no banheiro e na despensa do restaurante, enquanto Albert devora prato após prato em sua mesa. Quando Albert descobre a traição da esposa, desfecha uma cruel vingança contra Michael, que por sua vez será vingado por Georgina.