Aki Mizusawa

Aki Mizusawa

Nascimento : 1954-12-05, Tokyo, Japan


Aki Mizusawa


Natsuko Kano
Natsuko is witnessed carrying on an affair with her boss, Misawa, by the unmarried Chieko. However, Chieko dies by falling and is found about ten days later in the shrubbery in front of the company. It is revealed that Chieko led a flashy private life and frequented a host club. Moreover, it seems that she was having an affair with Division Chief Yamazaki.
Barrow Gang BC
Film about a pirate radio station.
Shima Shimamura
This story is based on the novel "Jo no mai" by Tomiko Miyao which is based on the life of painter Shōen Uemura (1875–1949), the first woman to be awarded the Order of Culture. The title refers to the masterpiece bijinga ("picture of a beautiful woman") that Uemura painted at the age of 61. The main character, Tsuya Shimamura, is born in Kyoto as the second daughter of a tea trader who dies before her birth. Tsuya, who loves painting more than anything and is hopeless at housework, attends art school and at age 15 receives the name Shōsui (from the characters for "pine" and "green") from her teacher. The crown prince of England purchases one of her works, propelling her to fame overnight. The novel portrays the remainder of her stormy life, during which she is impregnated by her teacher and raises a fatherless child; through it all she devotes herself to her painting, undaunted.
Danchizuma no sakebi
Sachiko Asaya
A man she was once in a relationship with has been killed. A wife keeping a secret from her husband gets involved in a strange case.