Juan Diego Villegas


The Night of the Beast
Two young dreamers coast through Bogota's alleys on the day of Iron Maiden's first ever concert in Colombia. However, their day is wrecked when hoodlums steal their most valued possessions: the tickets to see their favorite band.
Ignacio embarks on a trip driven by the coincidences that bring together the news that his young girlfriend is pregnant and an invitation to a seminar in Chile almost simultaneously.
Havana, 1994. Com a Guerra Fria chegando ao fim e a União Soviética se desintegrando, o embargo à Cuba continua intacto e mais firme do que nunca. No meio disso tudo, a vida do casal Candelaria, 75, e Victor Hugo, 76, está cada vez mais monótona e triste. Mas toda a fase obscura começa a mudar quando encontram uma câmera e, curiosos, passam a filmar seu dia a dia, e reencontram parte de sua vida perdida. O problema é que, tempos depois, o objeto desaparecerá.
The Colors of the Mountain
Executive Producer
A motley crew of young boys in Colombia lives only for one passion: soccer. But when their precious new ball rolls into a minefield, their dreams are suddenly on hold. Even as the village becomes the center of a tug-of-war between right-wing paramilitary groups and leftist guerrillas, the idea of a rescue attempt is too tempting to resist.