Mauro Gavazzi


Us Real Men, We Hard Men
Makeup Department Head
Mario, a tram-driver, and Silvio, a banker, make friends in the group of participants in a survival training course.
7 Kilos in 7 Days
Makeup Department Head
Two not very clever young doctors open a fitness center and promise to let people lose seven kilos in seven days. When the enterprise fails they open a gourmet restaurant.
Pesadelo em Veneza
Makeup Artist
Venice: The bodies of a married couple, Flavia and Fabio, are discovered on the dockside. She has drowned and he has been stabbed to death with a large pair of scissors. Marzia, Flavia's best friend, is questioned by the police and a chain of slaying is set in motion. The victims include a prostitute who is stabbed in the crotch; Marzia's lover, who is shot in the kneecaps before being doused in petrol and set alight; and Marzia herself, tied to a kitchen table and dismembered, before being stuffed in a fridge. Meanwhile, extended flashbacks reveal that Fabio gained perverse pleasure from forcing his young wife to take part in degrading sexual acts...
Malabimba: The Malicious Whore
Makeup Artist
Bimba, a teenage temptress, plunges her entire family—including her widowed father, wanton aunt, invalid uncle and even a beloved nun—into the depths of sexual depravity. Is she possessed by demonic lust or just going through a really freaky puberty?
A Freira Assassina
Makeup Artist
A irmã Gertrudes é a enfermeira freira principal cujo o comportamento cada vez mais psicótico, coloca em perigo a sanidade dos pacientes e funcionários do hospital. A freira que é apegada na morfina e na loucura, preside sobre um regime de lesbianismo e mortes.
Watch Me When I Kill
Makeup Artist
A pharmacist is murdered, and a woman happens to see the culprit leave the scene. She soon finds herself being stalked by the killer.
The Last Round
Makeup Artist
Stelvio Massi's crime thriller centers on a drifter who sets out to help blue-collar workers rise up against the two powerful families who are exploiting them. After settling in an industrial town and witnessing the cruelty of the factory owners, ex-mercenary Marco (Carlos Monzón) assumes the role of union agitator. When a violent confrontation erupts, the labor leader is driven to bring down the corrupt clans.
Makeup Artist
A widower and two of his sons become infatuated by their beautiful housekeeper, and all three set out to seduce her using their own unique methods.
Woman Buried Alive
Makeup Artist
Duke Philippe married Cristina, daughter of a fisherman. But his brothers, seeing that these after marriage they would miss out inheritance, decide to get rid of the woman by imprisoning her in a tower and making the duke believe she died.
'Tis Pity She's a Whore
Makeup Artist
Annabella marries Soranzo. She happens to also be pregnant by Giovanni — who also happens to be her brother. Destiny, and jealousies threaten to expose her past, and Soranzo plots revenge.
Morte em Veneza
Makeup Artist
Início do século XX. Gustav von Aschenbach (Dirk Bogarde) é um compositor austríaco que vai para Veneza buscando repouso, após um período de estresse artístico e pessoal. Porém ele não encontra a paz desejada, pois logo desenvolve uma paixão por um jovem, Tadzio (Björn Andrésen), que está em férias com sua família. Tadzio incorpora o ideal de beleza que von Aschenbach sempre imaginou e pensa em ir embora antes de cometer um ato impensado, mas sua bagagem foi para outra cidade, obrigando-o a permanecer ali. Além disto a cólera asiática começa a chegar em Veneza.
Makeup Artist
The professional mercenary Sir William Walker instigates a slave revolt on the Caribbean island of Queimada in order to help improve the British sugar trade. Years later he is sent again to deal with the same rebels that he built up because they have seized too much power that now threatens British sugar interests.
Os Deuses Malditos
Makeup Artist
O dramático colapso de uma família rica, industrial e nobre durante o reinado do Terceiro Reich. Nos primeiros dias da Alemanha nazista, uma poderosa família de nobres deve se adaptar à vida sob o novo regime de ditadura. A transição da democracia para a ditadura é assim dramatizada através da vida da família, que também possui uma poderosa empresa industrial alemã. Através de personagens como um barão alemão, um molestador de crianças, um soldado de Tempestade Nazista, um homem inocente preso por assassinato, e um capitão na SS alemã, o filme mostra como a assim chamada "alta classe da nobreza alemã" se ressentia com Adolf Hitler. Então o aceitou, e finalmente o abraçou. (e 16 - Estimado 16 Anos)
Aquele Novembro Maravilhoso
Makeup Artist
In the most traditional Sicilian, a 18 year old is in full arousal. His relationship with breathtaking mature woman will create a great controversy in the retrograde Sicilian society.
Argoman the Fantastic Superman
Makeup Artist
Argoman is practically invincible with powers beyond the scope of mortal man. Who is Sir Reginald Hoover, he seems to know what mission Argoman is involved with? Will Jenabell become the Queen of the World and achieve her wishes to outsmart Argoman?