Enrique Rosas Priego


The Useless Force
Rich entomologist René is accepted by a group of young rebels on the condition that they organize parties with his money. One day he proposes a game in which each one must get rid of the most valuable thing they have.
La trinchera
La venganza de Correa Cotto
Final days of the Puerto Rican criminal Antonio Correa Cotto.
Despedida de casada
Embora um casal tenha acabado de se casar, eles querem se separar logo após o casamento. Mas há um problema: o apartamento em que vivem pertence a ambos em partes iguais; portanto eles têm ...
Despedida de soltera
Five young women hold a weekend-long bachelorette party for their engaged girlfriend.
Las tapatías nunca pierden
An heiress and some friends pose as gypsies to fight back against some bad-hats who are squatting on her new estate.
Los amores de Marieta (los fabulosos 20s)
Young woman and her godfather make up a story about her past in order to trick a suitor into marrying her. Then she becomes a musical comedy star and Mexican Revolution.
Ghost Town
A vampire is on the loose in an old west town.
La bien pagada
Melodrama about marital infidelity.