Yuliya Polynskaya

Yuliya Polynskaya

Nascimento : 1975-06-06, Krasnoyarsk, RSFSR, USSR


Yuliya Polynskaya
Yuliya Polynskaya


Чувства Анны
First Snow
In pursuit of the dream of finding their place in modern Moscow, the heroes of the film are desperately trying to become the best version of themselves. At the beginning of autumn, their lives will intertwine, and before the first snow, each of them will have to learn to be themselves.
Daddy Coded
After coding from alcoholism, Anatoly Snarov looked at his life with new, sober eyes. It turns out that he has a wife, children and a responsible position of the head of housing and communal services in the district town of Sorochinsk. Having achieved enlightenment, Snarov decides to make others happy. He becomes an exemplary family man and an active citizen. His stormy activity quickly goes beyond the powers of the head of housing and communal services. In the hope of saving themselves from an active reformer, Snarov's entourage is throwing all their strength into decoding him...
Anna Karenina: A História de Vronsky
Durante a guerra russo-japonesa, em 1904, Sergey Karenin (Kirill Grebenshchikov), chefe de hospital, descobre que um dos oficiais feridos sob sua supervisão é o conde Vronsky (Max Matveev), a pessoa que arruinou sua mãe, Anna Karenina (Elizaveta Boyarskaya). Agora, ele procura maiores informações sobre o amante da mãe e que razão a levou a desistir da vida.
Orléans is a typical provincial Russian town on the banks of a salt lake called Yarovoye. The town is 'steeped in evil'. But it isn't some great evil. This evil is of a banal and everyday type: Lida the hairdresser has indiscriminate affairs, followed by numerous abortions; Rudik the doctor enjoys an endless supply of women, thanks to his position, neglecting his paralyzed father who lives with him and hoping the old man will die soon; the local officer of the law has no qualms about committing murder; a magician from the local circus might actually be sawing women in half on stage... One day, a mysterious man appears in this quiet backwater town. He goes by the title of the Executor: at least that's what it says on his business card...
As Alvoradas aqui são Tranquilas
женщина с бельём
É no final da primavera de 1942, e a Grande Guerra Patriótica está em pleno andamento. Muito longe da linha da frente, numa junção esquecida por Deus, os alemães fazem uma operação de paraquedas na tentativa de chegarem até a ferrovia Kirov e o Mar Branco , o Canal do Mar Báltico. Estes não são apenas pára-quedistas comuns. Esta é uma equipe de infiltragem experientes e altamente treinados, a elite dos Waffen-SS, superhumanos. A única coisa no seu caminho é uma unidade de artilharia antiaérea do cabo Vaskov e cinco jovens em treinamento. Pode parecer uma luta de importância local, mas a principal artéria de transporte estratégica do país está em jogo. Podem o cabo Vaskov e as suas "pequenas novatas" impedir a sabotagem nazista e a que custo?
I Give You My Word
Two young boys must decide what is more important for them - duty or friendship.
Земля людей
Алевтина Витальевна, директор актёрского агентства
Paradise Corner
In the life of thirty years old Wife there is almost everything - a husband, children, a house in the elite village "Suburban corner". But there is no most important thing - love. An unexpected meeting with Mikhail makes her rethink her whole life.