Lee Se-chang

Lee Se-chang

Nascimento : 1970-02-17,


Lee Se-chang


Female War: A Nasty Deal
Painter Ha-rim became blind due to an unfortunate accident. His wife Sun-yeong searches far and low for a cornea donor until she meets terminal cancer patient Dae-geun. These two make a startling and dangerous deal for Ha-rim's cornea.
Hera Purple
Through her dreams, a middle-aged woman murders those responsible for her rape.
Black Honeymoon
Kim Dong-bin
Newlyweds Jun-ho and Eun-jin join six other couples as they all embark on a honeymoon excursion to Cheju Island. But the trip takes a tragic turn when Jun-ho's eyeless corpse is discovered the next morning and detective Pyun-shik must find the killer.