Christian Kelly


Closed for Storm
Bright Sun Films' Jake Williams makes his feature debut with this documentary about the infamous Six Flags New Orleans, which was devastated by Hurricane Katrina, and has become a holy grail of sorts for urban exploration.
Um Jogo de Vida e Morte
Set Decoration
Grace Quigley is nearing the end of her life, living alone in her New York apartment. On the day she's being evicted, she witnesses a murder being committed by a top hit-man, Seymour Flint. She proposes to blackmail him into killing her, however, she has one or two friends she wants him to get rid of first.
A Baía do Ódio
Set Decoration
Um desanimado veterano do Vietnã, que corre o risco de perder seu sustento, é levado ao limite quando vê imigrantes vietnamitas se mudando para a indústria pesqueira em uma cidade da baía do Texas.
Eddie, O Ídolo Pop
Set Decoration
A television newswoman picks up the story of a 1960s rock band whose long-lost leader — Eddie Wilson — may still be alive, while searching for the missing tapes of the band's never-released album.
O Ultimato
Set Decoration
Um grupo time de agentes secretos super-treinados é enviado para impedir a ação de terroristas, que roubaram material radioativo para destruir poços de petróleo.