A jornada de Juanpa Zurita, um jovem influencer que usa a mídia para levantar fundos para a reconstrução de Ocuilan, vilarejo que foi destruído após um forte terremoto em 19 de setembro de 2017, às 13h14. Juanpa e pessoas bem-intencionadas se prontificaram a ajudar, sem saber no que estavam se metendo. O que poderia dar errado com tantas boas intenções?
En route to the world's largest social media convention in Australia, Logan Paul is scared to death; today is his first time flying. All of his worst nightmares come true when the passengers refuse to switch their phones to airplane mode, causing the plane's controls to go haywire and electrocuting the pilots.
In this YouTube Red Original, DJ Khaled and Mariah Carey drop a holiday hater (Rudy Mancuso) into a mystical winter wonderland where an all-star cast of lyrical troublemakers show him the true meaning of Christmas.
Best friends Ford and Noah both fall for Callie, potentially spelling the end of their friendship. But then the besties come up with an idea that Callie just might be cool enough to date both of them at the same time.