Vedah Bertram

Vedah Bertram


Vedah Bertram


Broncho Billy Outwitted
Vedah Trent
Old Silas Trent, a squatter, is warned that the community is not healthy for those of his calling and to move out. Trent is furious and vows vengeance on any that try to interfere with him.
Broncho Billy for Sheriff
Jim Dunn, county sheriff, is asked to withdraw his name as a candidate for re-election because the boys think he has proved himself incapable in office. Dunn is a tighter, rushes to town, declares he will be in the campaign in spite of all opposition, and has the town placarded with notices urging the boys to vote for him. .Meanwhile, the judges have a hard time to find a man with the nerve to run against Dunn. Broncho Billy, a ranchman, is urged to become a candidate and agrees. Cleaning his gun thoroughly, Broncho sits down to eat dinner. Word of Broncho's becoming his rival reaches Dunn's ears and he immediately rides to the ranch house.
Broncho Billy's Escapade
Vedah Morley
Vedah Morley is drawing a pail of water at the well one morning, when Broncho Billy approaches, lifts his sombrero respectfully, and asks for a drink. Struck by the simple charm of the girl, Broncho watches until she enters her shack nearby, then goes on down the trail, unconscious of the fact that Vedab is gazing after him from the window.
Broncho Billy's Last Hold-Up
Vedah Barclay
A girl helps Broncho Billy to hide when the sheriff comes looking for him. When a while later he finds her and her mother unconscious, he holds up a stagecoach to bring them to a doctor. The sheriff, still on Billy's track, shoots him in front of the doctor's practice.
Broncho Billy's Pal
Vedah Craig
Tom Shelby and Broncho Billy, partners on a small cattle ranch, and life-long pals, are stalwart young fellows and true sons of the west. Tom falls in love with Vedah Craig, daughter of the county sheriff, proudly tells Broncho of her, shows him the ring, goes to the Craig house, and puts the ring on Vedah's finger with the consent of her father. Rushing back to the ranch house Tom tells Broncho the good news and Broncho congratulates him warmly. That night a dance is held in the town hall. At the height of the merriment Quick-Draw Kelly, a notorious gun-man, and all-around ruffian, enters the hall with leveled gun and boisterously orders them all out. Fearing his deadly gun the hall is quickly cleared, then the enraged punchers summon Sheriff Craig, who is severely wounded in the arm by Kelly. The ruffian escapes and Craig now endeavors to send deputies after him, but all are afraid of Kelly's quick shooting and refuse to go in pursuit.
A Wife of the Hills
Bart McGrew's Wife
Bart McGrew, a notorious outlaw, lives in the hills with his young wife. McGrew's capture will be rewarded by the local lawmen, so Dan Trent acts to secure his arrest. McGrew suspects his wife and Dan Trent are committing treacherous acts against him.
The Smuggler's Daughter
Vedah Gregg, the Smuggler's Daughter
Old Silas Gregg lives with his pretty daughter, Vedah, in the western hills, unknown to the girl. Gregg is the leader of a band of smugglers, who have their rendezvous in his barn. Vedah is loved by Brant Graham, a sturdy young Hillman, and to insure his future, Graham gets the sheriff to appoint him a deputy, receives his badge, pins it inside his sleeve and is ordered to be on the watch for smugglers, who are continually getting goods across the Mexican border, Graham promises and leaves. Later he goes to Gregg's shack, puts the ring on Vedah's finger and asks to see her father, to gain his consent. Finding he has gone down to the barn they start in search for him. In passing the barn Graham suddenly discovers Gregg and his gang sorting over their goods inside.
A Story of Montana
Clayton's Daughter
Old Clayton, a ranchman, has a pretty daughter, Sue, who is loved by Dan Morris, a worthless cattleman. Clayton tries to force Sue to marry Morris, but the girl indignantly refuses, tells Morris she doesn't love him and goes to meet her real sweetheart.
Broncho Billy's Narrow Escape
Lois Martin
While looking for work, Broncho Billy meets a girl and falls in love with her. Broncho is then accused of horse theft by a jealous lover of the girl. At the moment that he is to be hanged, Broncho’s beloved girl comes to his rescue.
On the Cactus Trail
Vedah Powers
Dan Clayton, a young easterner, is engaged to pretty Vedah Powers. Desirous of making his fortune Clayton goes west and becomes a prospector. After six months he has almost forgotten Vedah, and his letters are far and few between. Patiently Vedah waits each day for the postman, and her heart is almost breaking when no word comes from Dan. Meanwhile, Dan gets into bad company, takes to drinking, meets a Mexican girl, and marries her. His money gives out and he writes Vedah that he has met with an accident while prospecting and asks her to send him some money. Unable to stand the torturing suspense longer, Vedah boards the next train, and starts west to find Dan.
A Moonshiner's Heart
Vedah Stevens
Old Seth Stevens and his pretty daughter Vedah, live in their rough hill-shack. Stevens conducts an illicit "still" in an abandoned shanty, and the "moonshine" whiskey is concealed in loads of hay and sold in the nearby town. One of the moonshiners is Tom Jackson, who loves Vedah. Stevens encourages Tom's attentions, but Vedah declares that she does not love the young moonshiner and his heart is broken in consequence.
Broncho Billy's Gratitude
Mrs. Hart
Dan Hart, a worthless good-for-nothing, takes the wedding ring from his wife's finger to pawn, and spends the money for drink, leaving a note saying he has given up all claim to her as his wife. Mrs. Hart takes her little girl and leaves for the west.
Western Hearts
Seth Perkins, a prospector, has two daughters. Mabel and Vedah. Vedah is a cripple, and the town doctor writes her father it will be necessary to operate to cure her and the expense will be one hundred dollars. Perkins has no such sum and is in despair.
On El Monte Ranch
Mary Trent
Dave Trent is employed on the Big C ranch and lives with his sister, Mary, a charming girl. Jim Andrews, foreman of the ranch, loves Mary, and one morning calls to put the engagement ring on her finger.
The Desert Sweetheart
Jim Morris, a young prospector, plans a trip into the great desert to search for gold. Before he leaves, Morris places an engagement ring on the finger of Mary, his sweetheart, and she promises to await his return.
Under Mexican Skies
Vedah Fowler
Pasquale, half Mexican, secures work on the ranch of old Fowler. Fowler has a pretty daughter, Vedah, who teaches the district school. Pasquale meets the girl on several occasions and falls in love with her. She repulses his attentions and tries to show him his error in loving her, but Pasquale is determined and, one day, rides to the schoolhouse after the children are dismissed. Finding Vedah alone he again renews his attentions and is on the point of taking her in his arms when she holds aloft a crucifix and, terror-stricken, Pasquale hurriedly leaves.
Broncho Billy and the Girl
Nan Fowler
Broncho Billy, a lawless western renegade, reels out of the Rawhide saloon one day and comes face to face with the town preacher. The good man tries to show Broncho the error of his ways, but Broncho laughs and goes on to the Rawhide dance hall where a crowd of young people are enjoying themselves.
A Road Agent's Love
Lucy Mackley
John Mackley is in the hands of a money-lender, and a broken leg prevents him from meeting a note when due. He succeeds in putting off the payment until a future date, in the hope that better times will come in the interim. His wife and daughter, Lucy, comprise his family. Lucy, just budding into womanhood, has formed an attachment for a young man, who had rendered herself and mother a little service one day. They have met several times and love has become mutual. She knows nothing of his avocation or his past, only that he is living in the neighborhood.
The Deputy's Love Affair
Bill Simpson, a sturdy young Westerner, is made a deputy and his star is forwarded to him. Simpson is in love with pretty Olive Farnum, a daughter of the plains, and they are practically engaged. Dolores, a Mexican girl, also loves Simpson and plans to break his engagement to Olive. She enlists the aid of Pedro, a Mexican lover
The Bandit's Child
Mrs. Tom Fleming
Tom Fleming, a Western bandit, and his pal, Morgan, hold up the stage. Fleming dispatches Morgan to town to inform him when the stage leaves. Fleming now receives a letter from his wife back east, in which she tells him she and their little girl pray every night that he will always remain an honest, faithful husband and father.
A Ranch Widower's Daughters
Jennie Perkins
Old Perkins, a ranchman, has a bevy of pretty daughters, ranging in age from five years up to twenty. Perkins will not permit any love making between the girls and the cowboys, the most ardent of whom is "Alkali" Ike. "Alkali" likes Jennie, and the other boys each have their individual sweetheart.
Broncho Billy and the Indian Maid
Laughing Fawn
Bart McGrew, a rascally schemer, endeavors to secure an old Indian chief's signature to a deed that will give him thousands of acres of valuable land owned by the tribe. Laughing Fawn, the chief's beautiful daughter, suspects Bart of treachery and takes her father away before he signs.
The Foreman's Cousin
Sue Jordan
Bob Knight, foreman of the Five-Bar Ranch receives a letter one morning from his eastern cousin, Bob Lawlor, saying he will arrive next day for his vacation. Knight loves pretty Sue Jordan, a gay little coquette, and they are engaged. Next morning Lawlor arrives and Knight introduces him to Sue. She immediately is struck with his eastern clothes and manners