Kostas Makedos

Kostas Makedos


Kostas Makedos


Θα Το Πάρεις Το Κορίτσι;
Fondas is a Greek butcher and he puts his family honor before everything else.
Απαγωγή Στα Τυφλά
Stathis, who is the director of a corporation, after the death of his lord confesses his daughter, but her mother, who is also a major shareholder in the company, wanting to dominate the situation itself, degrades her name. Stathis' reaction is direct and "satanic". He devises a kidnapping pattern of his stunt during a fun party they give at home, but the authorized kidnappers make a mistake, and in his place they capture him. His mother-in-law refuses to pay the ransom and he is in the most difficult position to convince the kidnappers that the target was not his but his poor homeland.
Υπαστυνόμος Θανάσης
Ένα μωρό... για τρεις
Επαναστάτης Χωρίς Αστεία
Mitsos Pentovolas
Τι Είδε Η Φιλιππινέζα
A jealous husband suspects that his wife is cheating on him. He decides to stake her out and disguise himself.
The Jerks
Leonidas is tricked into thinking he will hit the jackpot by a guy from the underworld, Babis, also well-known on the street as "the teacher". So, he sets up an ad hoc gang with his close friends in order to rob a bank. The operation, however, is crowned by complete failure. Actually, Babis used Leonidas to create a diversion in order to rob a jeweler's shop. Leonidas flies into a rage and swears to take revenge on the "teacher". The scuffle that follows results in all of them ending up in hospital.
Άλλος για το τρελάδικο
Ο ανοιχτομάτης
sotiris moustakas strikes again with plenty of lough
Ο γύφτος και η Πόντια
Ο τελευταίος χούλιγκαν
Οι πόντιοι
The Pink Cat
Panos and Archimidis are colleagues and co-tenants. Panos is a modern young man, whereas Archimidis is more conservative. Panos tries to make Archimidis live his life more passionately. Archimidis then develops a dual personality. In the morning, he is a restrained teacher, and at night he is a reveller and a skirt-chaser. When his sister is kidnapped, Archimidis enters a hospital to overcome his problem.
Ο Πιπίλας και ο Τορπίλας
Η γυναικάρα με τα πράσινα
Ο Δυναστείας
Pirate Redbeard
The adventurous life of a man who wandered around the world, spent a few years playing "Tarzan" in the jungle, became rich and eventually returned back in his birth-place.
Η Γυναικάρα Απ' Το Κιλκίς
Σουπερ λύκειο, Άκρως κουφό και παλαβό
Sotiriou, the Kolovos, the Kopanos, the Tsigos and Crab are five handsome mad students a mixed high school. Along with the girls, the time, Haritos, Christina and others get involved in various crazy situations. The Lykeiarchis (sheriff) and Professor of Latin (Cornelius the spastic) are teachers in high school ........
When The Wheels Danced
A group of young lives intensely, leading engines and wildly amusing. George falls in love with a serious girl, who will attempt to admonish him. Her brother would react to their relationship but will calm, when George, for the sake of the relationship with his beloved, will change mentality.
If the Violin Were a Bird
A violinist, Lefteris, is constantly running around on account of his work - from the Symphonic Orchestra to the Church. One Sunday, an incident caused by the competition between two churches sends him to prison, where he tells the story of his life to a fellow-prisoner. He has had an eventful life, rich in both marriage and divorce.
Ο γορίλας
Ο Παπασούζας φαντομάς
Μπορούμε και κάτω απ' τα θρανία
A scholar assigned to a high school that is famous for unruly pupils, and suffers from the pranks he get up to. But when a student falls in love and revealed the side of his character which he knows to feasts, he will win his students, combining fun and teaching.
Σιδηρά κυρία
bus passenger
Στα σαγόνια της εφορίας
Και Ο Πρώτος Ματάκιας
An unruly voyeurism, Simos, works in a hotel as a bourgeois. A gang of burglars has put in the eye of the hotel's safe. The members of the gang - five in number and very pretty women - are staying at the hotel, waiting for the proper opportunity for the burglary. Meanwhile, the hotel's daughter, Myrto, seeing that the hotel is not doing well, and believing that some people sabotage the business, represents the receptionist, in order to learn from the inside exactly what is happening. The passion of Simos makes him a companion of the five women's gang's plans, both to frustrate the burglary and to win the hand of Myrto, who has fallen in love with him.
Ο αυτάκιας