Choi Kin-Shing

Choi Kin-Shing


Choi Kin-Shing


Skyline Cruisers
Action adventure in which the formula for a cancer-curing medicine is stolen, and a kung-fu fighting team must overcome rivals and doublecrosses in order to get it back.
Black Cat in Jail
The film opens with Jade Leung kills a few people - but when she accidentally threaten a young boy in the process in a square where she tries to save him, thereby allowing sufficient time for the police to arrest her and send her to imprisonment. There is a focus not only on her, she shares it with three other prisoners as she slowly befriends, and each of them given her own story and flashback on how she got there.
King of Robbery
After robbing countless Hong Kong jewelery shops, Ye Kuan (Simon Yam) sets out on a murderous rampage killing everything in his path. Police informants, criminals and members of the public - nobody is safe from the Hong Kong Thug.
Salve o Juiz
Pao Lung-Sing, um descendente do famoso juiz Pao Ching Tient, é um juiz corrupto de 9º grau (grau mais baixo) que muda de tom quando tenta defender uma mulher Chi Siu-Lin, que foi acusada de matar seu marido. Como resultado, Pao é forçado a fugir e por meio de uma série de eventos (geralmente hilários) se torna um juiz de primeiro grau e volta para causar estragos e justiça aos culpados.
Zhang: O Bárbaro
Green Willow Villa's gatekeeper
Ele carrega a cruz de seus pais... Ele é um rebelde que luta para limpar o nome de sua família. Seu nome é Zhang, o neto do Grande Mestre do Tai Chi. Destinado à glória, mas o destino tem seus próprios caminhos e Zhang se transformou no alvo da "Escola dos Seis Grandes". Por pouco Zhang conseguiu escapar da morte certa quando foi envenenado, e agora está nas estradas à procura da cura acompanhado por seu avô. Em sua jornada cheia de aventuras, o jovem Zhang é treinado por Grandes Mestres e se transforma num verdadeiro guerreiro, poderoso e inteligente. Agora ele se sente apto para realizar sua missão... limpar o nome de sua família... assim nasce um Grande Herói !
My Heart Is That Eternal Rose
Shen's Hitman
A young couple separates under pressure from vicious Triad gangsters – she becomes a mobster's unwilling moll, and he travels abroad to work as an assassin. But their love stays strong, and when the two are reunited, their rekindled emotions lead them into extreme danger.
Burning Ambition
This is director/martial arts star Frankie Chan's unofficial remake of the Kinji Fukasaku film SHOGUN'S SAMURAI (1978). Instead of Japanese samurai in a period setting, we get modern day Chinese gangsters battling each other for the position left vacant after the mysterious death of their head honcho.
Bloody Brotherhood
Wah is the only one in his family lucky enough to survive the deadly boat passage from China to Hong Kong. Once in Hong Kong, he searches for opportunities he heard so much about. After struggling for months, he discovers that this is all but a myth.
Chik (Philip Chan), Lucky (Michael Wong), Chi-to (Waise Lee), and his ex-girlfriend Ngao (Carrie Ng) who he is still sweet on but is married to Lucky now, are aiming to make a score on a deal with a Taiwan triad when things take a turn for the BLOODY because Chi-to's cousin, who arranged the deal, set them up.