Glen Daniels


Sound Mixer
A scientist has a revelation after his dog dies and leaves his job to start walking dogs.
Corrida Contra o Destino
Set Decoration
Kowalski (Barry Newman) recebe a missão de levar um Dodge Challenger 1970 de Denver, Colorado, até São Francisco, na Califórnia, e aposta com um amigo que completará o serviço em menos de 15 horas. Viajando em alta velocidade, ele logo torna-se alvo da polícia, mas passa a ser auxiliado por Super Soul (Cleavon Little), um radialista cego que acompanha a comunicação entre os policiais.
Set Decoration
A young American serviceman stationed in Germany after the fall of the Third Reich, jeopardises his future after falling in love with a German woman.
The Amazing Colossal Man
Set Decoration
Lt. Col. Glenn Manning is inadvertently exposed to a plutonium bomb blast and although he sustains burns over 90% of his body, he survives. Then he begins to grow, but as he grows he starts losing his mind. By the time he stops he is 50 ft tall, insane and is on the rampage.
No Umbral da China
Set Decoration
Near the end of the French phase of the Vietnam War, a group of mercenaries are recruited to travel through enemy territory to the Chinese border.
Tension at Table Rock
Set Decoration
When the owner of a stagecoach station is killed, a gunman takes his place.
Morte Sem Glória
Set Decoration
Durante os últimos dias da WW2, uma Companhia de Infantaria da Guarda Nacional recebe a tarefa de criar postos de observação de artilharia em uma área estratégica. O Tenente Costa sabe que o Cap. Cooney está no comando só por causa de suas "conexões" com políticos lá do estado natal. Costa tem sérias dúvidas sobre a capacidade do Cooney para liderar o grupo. Quando Cooney envia Costa e os seus homens, e se recusa a resgata-los, Costa jura vingança.
The Raid
Set Decoration
A group of confederate prisoners escape to Canada and plan to rob the banks and set fire to the small town of Saint Albans in Vermont. To get the lie of the land, their leader spends a few days in the town and finds he is getting drawn into its life and especially into that of an attractive widow and her son.