A collective documentary film, from five european directors asked to witness the revolutions and dramas caused in their own countries by the pandemic. Among them, “Two Fathers”, directed by Julia von Heinz (20’). After the death of his father, Hans-Michael von Heinz, the director finds out the truth about her parent true sexual identity. In order to know more, she starts emailing persons who got to know him over the last years, among them his closest friend, director Rosa von Praunheim.
Deus existe! Ele mora em Bruxelas com a sua filha. Mas a relação entre os dois é tão complicada que a filha decide se vingar do pai, roubando o computador divino e revelando a todos os humanos a data de sua morte. Para conter a crise, Deus volta a viver normalmente entre os homens, descobrindo o verdadeiro caos que é a Terra nos dias de hoje.
Deus existe! Ele mora em Bruxelas com a sua filha. Mas a relação entre os dois é tão complicada que a filha decide se vingar do pai, roubando o computador divino e revelando a todos os humanos a data de sua morte. Para conter a crise, Deus volta a viver normalmente entre os homens, descobrindo o verdadeiro caos que é a Terra nos dias de hoje.
Belgian filmmaker Eric Pauwels' meditation on dream, travel and film.
Herself (Dancer)
"Fase" consists of three duets and one solo dance, choreographed to four repetitive compositions by the American minimalist musician, Steve Reich: Piano Phase, Come Out, Violin Phase and Clapping Music. Reich allows his tones to gradually shift in rhythm and melody and between the instruments. The choreography applies the same phase-shifting principle. The purely abstract movements are executed so perfectly that they seem almost mechanical and yet affect us in a strange way.
In musical terminology, the term " study " designates pieces to approach a specific problem : study for arpeggios, for the left-handed etc. The question here is how to merge dancing footage with elements of fiction. What is the right tone, the golden proportion to tell/dance the stories without resorting to techniques of a musical or a ballet ? New ways of telling a story: this is, without a doubt, a critical challenge for dance today. Twenty-one micro fictions by four Cie Michèle Anne De Mey dancers in witch the educational aspect of experimentation soon gives way to the pleasur of joyful poetics: an original blend of tender insolence and srtict elegance.
A short documentary about the creation process of Rosas danst Rosas, the performance that forced Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker’s international breakthrough and has become a benchmark in the history of postmodern dance. This documentary, directed by Stefaan Decostere for the BRT cultural programme Het Gerucht [The Rumour, ed.], uses fragments of rehearsals and interviews with De Keersmaeker and composer Thierry De Mey, offering a glimpse of the choreographic creative process in which repeated abstract movements play a key role.