Grace Chilton

Grace Chilton


Grace Chilton


Jef is stranded in Budapest and so spends a day reckoning with past and present lovers, as well as an estranged family, in this gorgeous low-fi indie drama.
Cold Blow Lane
Mary Henry
While Wilson questions the future as a hooligan more and more, Liam runs, almost blindly, from fight to fight and doesn't listen to any of Wilson's concerns. In an attack of revenge Liam dies, which leaves Wilson alone with his thoughts.
Limbo é uma observação triste e pungente da experiência do refugiado, ambientada em uma remota ilha escocesa fictícia, onde um grupo de recém-chegados espera os resultados de seus pedidos de asilo. É centrado em Omar (Amir El-Masry), um jovem músico sírio que carrega o fardo do oud de seu avô, que trouxe com ele de sua terra natal.
A Múmia
Woman in Toilet
Nas profundezas do deserto, uma antiga rainha, cujo destino foi injustamente lhe tirado está mumificada. Apesar de sepultada em sua cripta, ela desperta nos dias atuais. Com uma maldade acumulada ao longo dos anos, ela espalha terror desde as areais do Oriente Médio até os becos de Londres.
Exchange and Mart
Girls boarding school in the remote Scottish Highlands, 1986. Reg is a lonely 15 year old girl, who stares longingly out of her dorm window at the chainsaw wielding tree surgeon working in the school grounds. Reg and her classmates have to take part in a self defense exercise - The Attack Test. Alone, Reg must walk through the woods until she is attacked by her masked teacher, Mike, at which point she must defend herself using force. This is intended as real life preparation for these privileged and inexperienced women living in an isolated world where rape paranoia was rife. Full of trepidation, Reg walks into the woods where Mike is waiting, but the test does not go according to plan.