Uma menina de seis anos chamada Anna tem toda a família assassinada em uma execução em massa de judeus. Por um milagre, ela sobrevive e passa as próximas centenas de dias escondida na chaminé em desuso de um comandante nazista. Relembrando sua vida que a guerra tomou, com os fundamentos culturais ensinados por seus pais e com a ajuda de um amigo, Anna precisa sobreviver e manter sua humanidade nas condições mais inumanas possíveis.
Based on a famous short story by Pushkin, this film tells of a youthful, innocent and pure love story that begins as a girlish joke. Liza is eager to get to know her young neighbor but cannot do so as their fathers are not on speaking terms. Her response is simple and direct. With the help of her loyal servant Nastya, she dresses up as a peasant girl and goes pick mushrooms in the nearby woods....
After the theft from the monastery of a priceless relic, the shroud of Alexander Nevsky, the thief-recidivist Vasily, nicknamed Pegiy in a dream from the past, is the Grand King himself. Far from sin, he decides to return the relic to the monastery, not suspecting that he had already signed the death sentence ...
Герой фильма Владимир Пирошников в поисках выхода из жизненного тупика мучительно решает вечные вопросы смысла жизни. В конце концов, оказавщись на крыше, он делает одно неосторожное движение - и зависает на уровне пятого этажа...
Pavel's mother hates his fiancee. When Pavel serves in the Army she writes him that Nastya is no longer faithful to him. Pavel decides not to return to his native town. But many years later he returns to his fathers funeral and finds out that Nastya died sometime ago. She left three kids orphans and her elder daughter is also a daughter of Pavel.