An atmospheric, sub-hallucinogenic venture into the world of the unknown. The enigma facing a young woman is the identity of her father. Unfortunately for her, she becomes drawn into a small Romanian underworld of brooding menace, darkness, torture chambers, and bizarrely over make-over'ed vampires. The moody undertones and well chosen locations are certainly a bonus, as is the comically funny finale.
Aos 18 anos, Juli sonha em se tornar diretora e se muda para Moscou para estudar cinema. Após a morte de Stalin, ela volta à Hungria para preparar seu filme de fim de curso. Porém, a revolta de 1956 obriga Juli a fazer concessões no que diz respeito à sua carreira.
Accidentally, as if they had secretly intended to do so, Jonas and Maria meet. They go on a trip together and try to find out what sense there is in living and the road to freedom. Just as accidentally, an unknown man is trailed, hindered and kidnapped. Finally, he fights back and becomes the victim of his own doing.
Accident? Fate? Necessity?...
Shot in 1972, this remarkable documentary was released ten years later and had its first Western film festival screenings last year. "Gyula Gazdag is an outstanding Hungarian talent who seems to specialize in getting into trouble. This film, which he made with Judit Ember, another alert and sensitive director, was banned for ten years. In it, a rural community is in financial trouble and an expert from Budapest is sent to advise and reorganize. He is successful but his manner angers the local committee. Despite their own management failure, they feel his arrogance should be the subject of a reprimand at least. The story is more than just true: so sure was the community of its cause that Gazdag and Ember were invited to film the actual debate, and the reality makes us protagonists in the case. It is a situation that could happen anywhere but seldom has such a subject been treated in so absorbing and striking a way.
Unfinished documentary portrait. During 1971, Henri Langlois was spending his life at the Cinémathèque at the Palais de Chaillot and devoting himself entirely to the development of his museum without ever sparing himself. He needs to touch, place, nail, shape each corner himself, imagining each new arrangement. The smallest detail counts, the smallest fold of costume. He can spend hours adjusting a jacket, and fatigue sometimes surprises him around a staircase ...