Jaakko Kiljunen

Jaakko Kiljunen

Nascimento : 1980-01-01,


Jaakko Kiljunen


Any Day Now
Vieras Mehdipourien juhlissa
Bahman, Mahtab, Ramin and Donya Mehdipour are enjoying a perfect summer in a small Finnish town. Their routines are fractured by a negative decision on their application for asylum by the Finnish Immigration Service. But life must go on and the 13-year-old Ramin is about to enter an entirely new school, junior high. The Mehdipours use their last chance to appeal but continue their everyday lives, fuelled by their exceptionally positive outlook and attitude.
A Estrada Eterna
Ao retornar à Finlândia após de deixar os EUA durante a Grande Depressão, um homem enfrenta uma crescente inquietação política no país nórdico. Numa noite de verão de 1930, bandidos nacionalistas o raptam. Ele é espancado e forçado a andar até a União Soviética, onde a crueldade parece não ter fim. Seu único desejo é voltar a ver a família, mesmo que esse sonho seja quase impossível. Baseado em uma história real.
The Look of a Killer
Jevdokimov's bodyguard
Viktor Kärppä was forced involuntarily in the middle of Russia's internal power struggle. Soon bunch of assassins as well as Security Police are trying to catch Kärppä. Kärppä's family is also in great danger. In order to save themselves and their families they need to resort to Kärppäs friend, the police Korhonen , as well as his brother Aleksei.