Michael Graham Cox

Michael Graham Cox

Nascimento : 1938-01-08, London, England, UK

Morte : 1995-04-30


Michael Graham Cox


A Garota do Tambor
An American Actress with a penchant for lying is forceably recruited by Mosad, the Israeli intelligence agency to trap a Palestinian bomber, by pretending to be the girlfriend of his dead brother.
Life changes dramatically for radio amateur Norman when he gets in touch with a round-the-world yachtsman who introduces him to a different life - and a taste of fame.
The Two Gentlemen of Verona
Two great friends leave Verona for Milan, Valentine with great enthusiasm and Proteus unwillingly, as he will have to leave his recently-betrothered Julia. Valentine soon falls in love with Silvia, daughter of the Duke of Milan, but then Proteus meets the captivating Silvia... and he too becomes besotted.
The Merry Wives of Windsor
Host of the Garter Inn
When Sir John Falstaff decides that he wants to have a little fun he writes two letters to a pair of Window wives: Mistress Ford and Mistress Page. When they put their heads together and compare missives, they plan a practical joke or two to teach the knight a lesson. But Mistress Ford's husband is a very jealous man and is pumping Falstaff for information of the affair. Meanwhile the Pages' daughter Anne is beseiged by suitors.
Wally Edge
A village in Cheshire. A deserted cinema. A poet murdered by Stalin. A blown fuse. Victor Silvester. Pickets on trial. Trimmers and fishwires. These are some of the elements of Tony Perrin's play.
O Senhor dos Anéis
Boromir (voice)
Na terra pacífica do Condado, um Hobbit chamado Frodo Bolseiro recebe do seu tio um Anel mágico, capaz de decidir o futuro da Terra-Média. Assim Frodo terá de embarcar numa jornada épica para destruir o Anel, antes que o senhor do escuro Sauron possa recuperar-la.
Uma Grande Aventura
Bigwig (voice)
Um grupo de coelhos se une para formar uma sociedade própria, uma colônia apenas para sua espécie, longe da estrutura da tirania e das intervenções humanas. Para cumprir este objetivo, eles usarão de todos os meios necessários, não importando a violência.
Uma Ponte Longe Demais
Capt. Cleminson
Setembro de 1944, os Aliados confidencialmente mandam para a Normandia um grande grupo de soldados para a operação Market Garden, cuja intenção era dar um fim para a Segunda Guerra Mundial, invadindo a Alemanha e destruindo as indústrias de guerra do 3º Reich. Durante a operação, disparidades políticas no campo de batalha, mó sorte nas condições meteorológicas e falhas na inteligência levam ao desastre da missão. A história do mais trágico erro tático da Segunda Guerra Mundial, que custou a vida de muitos soldados.
King Arthur, the Young Warlord
This is the inspiring, epic journey of a noble warrior's quest to prove his worth, his might, and his destined fate to become the next ruler of Britain.
The Optimists of Nine Elms
Park Keeper
A retired entertainer makes his living as a street musician on the streets of London. Two young children befriend the old musician, brightening his otherwise colorless life
The Stone Tape
A research team from an electronics company move into an old Victorian house to start work on finding a new recording medium. When team member Jill Greeley witnesses a ghost, team director Peter Brock decides not only to analyse the apparition, which he believes is a psychic impression trapped in a stone wall (dubbed a "stone tape"), but to exorcise it too - with terrifying results...
Mulheres Apaixonadas
Growing up in the sheltered confines of a 1920's English coal-mining community, free-spirited sisters Gudrun and Ursula explore erotic love with a wealthy playboy and a philosophical educator, with cataclysmic results for all four.