Martha Millan

Martha Millan


Martha Millan


Merry Kiss Cam
When two people from very different worlds meet on a hockey kiss cam, could it lead to love?
Ops! Meu Namorado Morreu
Sue Watt
Mary’s life has been defined by a string of temp jobs and a half-hearted attempt to become a writer. But all that changes when she comes home to find her boyfriend dead in front of the TV set. During her misadventures in trying to get rid of his ashes, Mary discovers that there was much more to her couch potato boyfriend than she ever thought imaginable.
Homem-Aranha 3
Oscorp Receptionist (uncredited)
Peter Parker conseguiu finalmente atingir o equilíbrio entre a sua devoção a Mary Jane e os seus deveres de super-herói. Mas uma tempestade está a desenvolver-se no horizonte. Quando o seu fato escurece de repente e os seus poderes são reforçados, a personalidade de Peter muda também, trazendo à superfície o lado mais negro e vingativo da sua personalidade que luta por assumir o controlo. Debaixo desta estranha influência, Peter começa e exprimir um excesso de confiança que o leva a desprezar aqueles que mais o amam. Forçado a escolher entre o poder sedutor proporcionado pelo seu novo fato e o herói que costumava ser, Peter tem de vencer os seus demónios pessoais enquanto dois dos mais temíveis vilões que até agora encontrou, Sandman e Venom, juntam forças e uma sede imparável de vingança para ameaçar Peter e tudo o que ele mais preza.
American Adobo
Candy Manalastas
The everyday struggles of people trying to bridge two cultures, as well as their attempt to find happiness in their new homeland. Tere (Cherrie Pie Picache), mid-forties and single, hosts a dinner for a friend visiting from Manila, Lorna. Invited are their New York City-based friends and former college classmates -- Mike (Christopher De Leon), a newspaper editor in his forties, Gerry (Ricky Davao), an advertising copywriter and closeted gay, and Marissa (Dina Bonnevie).
American Adobo
The everyday struggles of people trying to bridge two cultures, as well as their attempt to find happiness in their new homeland. Tere (Cherrie Pie Picache), mid-forties and single, hosts a dinner for a friend visiting from Manila, Lorna. Invited are their New York City-based friends and former college classmates -- Mike (Christopher De Leon), a newspaper editor in his forties, Gerry (Ricky Davao), an advertising copywriter and closeted gay, and Marissa (Dina Bonnevie).