Inspired by the incredible achievement of Hungarian shooting athlete Karoly Takacs, the story follows Anina, who gets selected in the Indian cricket team. However, an accident leaves her right hand amputated. Anina becomes a train wreck after losing her arm and all hope before an ex-cricketer turns up to mentor her way back to where she belongs in a story of the extraordinary human spirit.
An anthology that brings five unique creators and filmmakers to tell stories about love, happiness, friendship, new beginnings, second chances and a glimmer of hope - set and filmed in the times of the COVID-19 lockdown.
Uma funcionária do banco sobrecarregada com as dívidas do marido desempregado - e seus próprios sonhos desfeitos - encontra uma fonte secreta de dinheiro aparentemente ilimitado em sua casa.
Mauli is a tough cop whose in control when in uniform.But a big terror to criminals without uniform he gets transferred to Kapur village which has no respect for cops and it's temple is closed since last 15 years due to terror of Nana Londhe.Mauli beats his men black and blue where he finds admire in Renuka.Its soon reveled that Mauli is a simple man but the actual terror cop is his twin brother with the same name.Mauli's brother dies while trying to save Mauli from Nana leaving Mauli helpless in the village and face humiliation in front of Nana's terror.