Américo Fernández


Assistant Director
Durante um violento ciclone, um barco de turismo acaba à deriva em pleno oceano. Aos seus integrantes se unem os sobreviventes da queda de um avião e do naufrágio de um navio pesqueiro. Praticamente sem comida ou água doce, e debaixo do sol quente, eles vão sucumbindo aos poucos, por fome ou por ataque de tubarões, à espera de um resgate que parece nunca vir.
O Patrulheiro 777
Assistant Director
Diógenes, o patrulheiro 777, é constantemente repreendido pelo seu chefe, major Malagón, porque ele geralmente resolve os casos que surgem como vigia na Cidade do México com métodos muito pessoais. Diógenes, um membro do carro-patrulha 2101, resolve um problema conjugal que faz serenata à namorada de um passageiro ou impede, em risco de sua vida, que um garoto desesperado se jogue na rua a partir do 7.º andar.
O Ministro e Eu
Assistant Director
Mateo Melgarejo (interpretado por Mario Moreno "Cantinflas") é um notário e escreve para o analfabeto de Santo Domingo, um bairro ao norte do Zócalo da Cidade do México. Um amigo invasor pede sua ajuda na negociação com o escritório do censo de terras para regularizar um título de propriedade. Depois de uma grande frustração com a burocracia do governo, ele escreve uma carta ao ministro, conquistando uma audiência com ele. O ministro contrata Melgarejo para reformar o escritório e o designado passa a dar uma conferência aos funcionários sobre seus deveres em uma sociedade democrática. No final, ele deixa o cargo, regressando a Santo Domingo para ajudar os seus pobres moradores.
The Fight with the Panther
Assistant Director
Three nymphets struggle to have a beneficial youth: Ana is suicidal, Mercedes is attracted to her brother William, and Patricia desires to be sexually abused.
Cinco mil dolares de recompensa
Assistant Director
A gunfighter is appointed sheriff of a town that is terrorized by a gang of criminals.
Castle of Purity
Assistant Director
A disciplined and sexually driven man forces his family to stay isolated in their home in order to protect them from the “evil nature” of human beings.
Pepito y la lámpara maravillosa
Assistant Director
Pepito The child misbehaves because his stepfather is scolding. Buy a sauceboat but when his cat rubs it a genie appears. The child understands that it is the magic lamp and asked all sorts of goodies and the solution of their tasks, but when he needs money stepfather tells of genius. The stepfather asked to topple his partner's plane. Pepito refuses and flees with the lamp and throws it into a river to avoid falling into its power. The stepfather drowns while trying to rescue him.
Copa do Mundo da FIFA de 1970 - The World at Their Feet
Production Assistant
As finais de 1970 viram o surgimento de provavelmente o melhor time que o mundo jamais viu, na forma do todo poderoso Brasil. Pélé estava jogando seu último mundial e seu toque, visão e faro de gol, combinado com o fantástico feito de Jairzinho marcar gols em todos os jogos, levaram os brasileiros a uma vitória irresistível sobre uma Itália esmagada.
El último pistolero
Assistant Director
Un Quijote sin mancha
Assistant Director
A lawyer trying to fix everyone's problems, instead causes problems, which always end up in funny situations.
O Senhor Doutor
Assistant Director
Salvador Medina é um médico do interior que chega a uma grande cidade e não sabe sequer usar os equipamentos que precisa em seu ambiente de trabalho. Um filme mexicano de pura comédia.
Campeón del barrio
Assistant Director
A young man eagerly prepares for triumph as a boxer in a neighborhood gym with the firm intention of escaping poverty to marry his girlfriend, who sings in a nightclub.
The World of the Vampires
Assistant Director
A vampire uses two sisters to seek revenge from the last member of a family that persecuted the undead in Europe, but his plan is threatened by a man who knows how to destroy him with a peculiar piece of music.
Muchachas que trabajan
Assistant Director
Working in a department store exposes young ladies to corrupting influences.
Conquistador de la luna
Assistant Director
Called to the home of a scientist to deal with a simple electrical problem, bumbling electrician Bartolo finds himself aboard a rocket headed for the moon!
La tijera de oro
Assistant Director
The charitable Emilio is a jealous barber tries to prevent at all costs the rich toting Mario mess with his girlfriend Rosita. Although Emilio help with money from neighbors, gets entangled in a misunderstanding and ends up in jail but his friends are out of charge so much trouble.
The Woman and the Beast
Assistant Director
Dedicated, saintly nurse has a twin sister who is a Bad Girl.
The Body Snatcher
Assistant Director
A detective and his cowboy friend team up to stop a mad scientist who is stealing the bodies of murdered wrestlers, and bringing them back to life while electronically replacing their minds with those of animals to make them stronger and live longer. Posing as a successful masked wrestler, the cowboy quickly attracts the attention of the scientist and his henchmen as their next experimental subject...
Isso é Que é Homem!
Second Unit Director
Father and adult sons give help to an orphaned teenage girl.
The Abduction
Assistant Director
In a small Mexican village the news shock neighbors, Ricardo Alfaro, a wealthy local rancher has disappeared without a trace. Taking advantage of the circumstance, Aurora Campos, a strong woman with overwhelming beauty, convinces the authorities to sell her the property in exchange for twelve thousand dollars. Soon after, when Ricardo suddenly reappears, a real battle is about to begin.
Damned City!
Assistant Director
A humble provincial writer who wants to publish his first book offers it to a film producer who is looking for locations for a film at that time. The novelist's family then moves to the big city, where they will have to face many adversities that will make them wish they had never left their village.
Huracán Ramírez
Assistant Director
Family comedy and family melodrama involving father and son wrestlers, little brothers, little sisters, girlfriends, waitresses...
El tigre enmascarado
Assistant Director
El cuarto mandamiento
Assistant Director
A Mexican family drama.
Pelota de trapo
This is the story of a suburb in Buenos Aires, its neighborhood, and how they live together in poverty, conjoined by the games of the children, and the love and support of the grown ups.
El barchante Neguib
Assistant Director
Small-town Arabic family moves to Mexico City to live with the oldest son who made his career there. Follow-up (not a direct sequel) to El baisano Jalil (1942).
Assistant Director
Hotel do Barulho
Assistant Director
Cantinflas é um vagabundo sendo despejado por não pagar aluguel, depois de vagar em um emprego no "Grand Hotel" através de um amigo, confuso com o conde Zapatini, que está disfarçado no hotel, roubando uma jóia que torna esse filme engraçado mais complicado.
Doña Bárbara
Assistant Director
A woman hardened by her past now runs a ranch she acquired through manipulation and bribery.