Assistant Costume Designer
Identicals is a highly unconventional romantic thriller: an obsessive love story stripped down and re-arranged into the looping logic of a nightmare.
A história verídica de Dido Elizabeth Belle, que cumpriu importante papel na abolição da escravatura na Inglaterra no século 18. Filha ilegítima de um capitão britânico da Marinha Real com uma escrava africana, após a morte de sua mãe, ela vai morar na Inglaterra para ser criada pelo tio e tornar-se uma dama da aristocracia. A jovem se apaixona por um advogado e acaba tendo que enfrentar os preconceitos da sociedade inglesa.
Costume Standby
Set against the turbulent backdrop of London in the 1940s, this adaptation of Sarah Waters' bestselling novel, The Night Watch, follows four young Londoners inextricably linked by their wartime experiences. In a time when the barriers of sexual morality and social convention have been broken down, Kay, Helen, Viv and Duncan enjoy a freedom never experienced before. Moving back in time through the 1940s into the maelstrom of the Blitz, the lives, loves and losses of these four central characters are unravelled. For them, the post-war victory is bittersweet, for it returns them to the margins of society, from which they hoped they had been liberated. In order to build their future they must each make peace with their past.