Kelly Murtagh

Kelly Murtagh


Kelly Murtagh


O Bingo Macabro
Uma senhora corajosa luta para proteger seu amado bairro de uma força maligna que tomou conta do salão de bingo local e está matando os moradores de maneiras terríveis.
Out in public, Ivy is a New Orleans lounge singer trying to make a name for herself. When alone, though, she suffers from a terrifying eating disorder. And the more she hides her struggles, the stronger her inner demons become.
Out in public, Ivy is a New Orleans lounge singer trying to make a name for herself. When alone, though, she suffers from a terrifying eating disorder. And the more she hides her struggles, the stronger her inner demons become.
Um Crime para Dois
Estar à beira da separação não era suficiente. Esse casal também precisava se enroscar num assassinato, correr atrás do culpado e tentar provar sua inocência.
First Man on Mars
The countdown to terror has begun. Astronaut Eli Cologne became the first man on Mars, but something went horribly wrong. Infected by an alien organism, he returned to Earth a savage monster with an unquenchable thirst for human flesh.
Love and She
"A romantic drama about a young couple dealing with post miscarriage trauma."