Após ter sido salvo das explosões e bolas de fogo que quase provocaram sua destruição, Jobe vive em um inferno na Los Angeles do futuro. Com sua inteligência descomunal, ele desenvolve um poderoso chip para o Dr. Walker que deseja controlar o mundo.
Brothers Vincent (rich) and Clay (poor) meet up for the first time after their father's funeral and remark on how similar they look. But unknown to Clay, who thinks his life is taking a turn for the better, Vince is actually plotting to kill him with a car bomb and pass the corpse off as his own, planning to start a new life elsewhere with his father's inheritance. But Clay survives the blast and has his face, memory and identity restored in hospital... but are they the right ones?
Best Boy Electric
Grupo de paranormais vai a um hotel quando Neil morre, e eles acreditam que nesse hotel está o segredo egípcio de dar vida a objetos inanimados que tanto procuram, mas os bonecos querem proteger esse segredo e seu mestre. Próxima Continuação: "O Mestre dos Brinquedos"
Assistant Electrician
A sinister corporation loses control of a house cat infected with a genetically-engineered virus. The death-toll rises during the mutant feline's rampage, and eventually, it finds its way on board a ship of a criminal king-pin.