Anny Vogel

Anny Vogel


Anny Vogel


Thirty six thousand years ago, in the Ardèche river gorge, when an animal was painted, it was hunted. When it is again time to go hunting and painting, Gwel is appointed head of the group of hunters while Karou the painter and his apprentice Lani set off to paint the walls of the great cavern. But they hadn't counted on meeting a cave lion.
Românticos Anônimos
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ean-René e Angélique são duas pessoas que possuem em comum, além do amor pelo chocolate, o romantismo e a timidez. Ele é dono de uma fábrica de bombons. Ela é uma chocolateira talentosa. Em meio a muitas dificuldades, os dois se aproximam e compartilham suas paixões.