Story follows high school student Saki Miyanaga and her classmates as they become absorbed in the game of mahjong. They target an upcoming national competition.
Tetsuo Togami (Shono Hayama) is in the 2nd grade of high school. Due to a fight, he is hospitalised. There, he meets Maiko Takashiro (Chika Arakawa). She has an incurable disease. She also has a hearing disability and is unable to talk. At first, Tetsuo becomes embarrassed, but begins exchanging text messages with Maiko. Through the text messages he begins having feelings for her. Even after his discharge from the hospital, he goes to visit Maiko everyday. They promise to go out together on Maiko's birthday, but her condition worsens.
Elmer is told by a traveling cat about a baby dragon who is being held captive and mistreated on the scary Wild Island. Elmer decides to investigate and battles tigers, crocodiles and gorillas in order to rescue the little dragon.
Even the group was forced to quit due to excessive ferocity. Satoshi Narumi became a temporary employee at the ward office for his beloved wife. Every day she works hard at miscellaneous tasks such as making tea and making copies, even though she is teased by her disgusting boss. Even if I can't stand it sometimes, I always think of my wife's smile,I spent my days in peace, but... Between violence and counter work, chivalry and beloved wife, The masculinity of Restructuring Daimon - Satoshi Narumi explodes!
Weaving two storylines together: the first is the story of 18th-century shogunate intrigue and loyalty, and the second is a ghost story about a beautiful woman who falls victim to passion and evil.