Pablo Frank


Robert Frank - Não Pestanejes
Self (archive footage)
Robert Frank revolucionou a fotografia e o cinema independente, fosse a retratar banqueiros, estrelas de rock ou mineiros. O filme mostra-nos um artista em ação, testemunha de uma era, recordando Jack Kerouac e Allen Ginsberg, com quem filmou a Beat Generation.
Home Improvements
Home Improvements, Robert Frank’s first video project, is a simple and poignant diary of consequential events. It is about the relationship between Frank’s life as an artist and his personal life, and how the two are inevitably intertwined. It was made cheaply with a half-inch video porta-pak. Home Improvements takes place in New York and Nova Scotia and in the mental space between these two opposing worlds
Pull My Daisy
Pull My Daisy is a film that typifies the Beat Generation. Directed by Robert Frank and Alfred Leslie, Daisy was adapted by Jack Kerouac from the third act of his play, Beat Generation; Kerouac also provided improvised narration.