Kim Morgan Greene

Kim Morgan Greene

Nascimento : 1960-01-01, North Carolina, USA


Kim Morgan Greene
Kim Morgan Greene


Soul Surfer - Coragem de Viver
Female Reporter
Bethany Hamilton (AnnaSophia Robb) é uma adolescente apaixonada pelo surf, o que a transformou numa campeã. Mas um dia a sua sorte mudou e ela foi atacada por um tubarão, que arrancou um dos seus braços. Apesar de parecer que tudo estava perdido, com o apoio dos pais (Dennis Quaid e Helen Hunt), da melhor amiga Sarah (Carrie Underwood) e das inúmeras cartas que recebeu dos fãs, Hamilton ganha coragem e junta forças para reaprender a surfar, respeitando os seus limites, mas nunca abandonando sua vocação de vencedora.
Faded Memories
The story of two teens, Cassandra and Lucas, as they get involved in a timeless love story against many odds.
Bratz: O Filme
As bonecas Cloe, Jade, Sasha e Yasmin ganham vida, e vão enfrentar os perigos da vida no colégio. Tudo começa quando no primeiro dia de colégio, elas descobrem que ele é organizado por grupos, obra da mimada filha do diretor e presidente do grêmio estudantil. As meninas são forçadas a se separar e não se falam durante dois anos até que em uma "guerra de comida" elas se reencontram e decidem lutar para que todos da escola possam ter contato com todo mundo.
Jaqueline Shaw
Infused with sex, passion and betrayal, SPIN is the story of Latinos striving to attain the American Dream within the sexy Latin Music world of Miami.
Finais Felizes
Connie Peppitone
Um grande elenco atua em dez histórias com personagens entrelaçados. Uma delas é sobre pai e filho que namoram a mesma mulher. Outra apresenta uma mulher que deu sua filha para adoção, mas agora está sendo chantageada por um cineasta, que pede a ela que reencontre-a, já crescida.
The Gardener
After her partner mysteriously disappears, Detective Kelly Jones is lead to a nursery that seems to hold many secrets.
Grizzly Mountain
Present-day Portland suburbs kids Dylan and Nicole go on the camping trip with their family, and when they enter a mysterious cave in the mountains, they're transported back in time to 1870, where they meet mountain man Jeremiah.
Subliminal Seduction
Darrin Danver is married to Deb. He is a videogames programmer and works for Z-Games when he receives an offer for a job from CTC. He accepts the offer and moves with his wife Deb near Las Vegas. There he discovers that he is paid a lot only to develop the videogame Radical Rat Trap, which is to follow Amazing Mouse Maze. But the great family of CTC uses Videogames Cd-Rom and subliminal messages to try to control minds, his and his wife's.
Dr. Jekyll and Ms. Hyde
In New York in 1995 Dr. Richard Jacks is a creator of perfumes. Thus he spends his days inventing new colorful and well smelling potions and certainly caring for his girlfriend Sarah Carver. But when he discovers that his greatgrandfather, called Dr. Jekyll, was a scientist with revoluntionary discoveries, he tries to follow the footsteps of his ancestor and creates more and more delicate potions until one of them converts him into a spectacular superwoman: Helen Hyde. Knowing that Richard has no clue of her existence Helen enforces a professional career at the back of her "creator".
Fast Company
A homicide detective is assigned to solve a murder case. The trouble is that his wife, a reporter, has been assigned by her employer to cover the same case. Complications ensue.
Um Suspeito na Noite
Kimberly Lewis
Quando sua namorada é brutalmente assassinada, um detetive secreto descobre que ele é o principal suspeito.
Immortal Combat
Karen Keeler
Two police officers discover an island laboratory where a madwoman is turning martial artists into superkillers.
Marina Weston
A vengeful widow worms her way into the home of the man she holds responsible for her husband's suicide.
Destination: America
A patrician family's estranged, black-sheep son forsakes his blue-collar life to return home and soon finds himself wrongly accused of his father's murder, with his old childhood friend determined to convict him. Pilot to a prospective TV series.