Grégory Vincent


Noël Joyeux
Foley Artist
Tomorrow is Christmas at Vincent and Beatrice Barand's house. Vincent is happy, it's his favorite day. Unfortunately, the whole family cancels at the last minute. Result: no children, no grandchildren... While Beatrice is looking forward to this intimate evening, he is overwhelmed and can't imagine a Christmas together. So he decides to go to a retirement home to invite a lonely resident to join them and share the Christmas spirit. Monique, 85 years old and obsessed with death, arrives... soon followed by Jeanne, a former prison guard with no filter. For all four of them, this December 24th promises to be as explosive as it is unexpected!
Mars Express
Foley Artist
In 2200, private detective Aline Ruby and her android partner Carlos Rivera are hired by a wealthy businessman to track down a notorious hacker. On Mars, they descend deep into the underbelly of the planet's capital city where they uncover a darker story of brain farms, corruption, and a missing girl who holds a secret about the robots that threatens to change the face of the universe.
Jeanne du Barry
Foley Artist
A vida de Jeanne Bécu, que nasceu como filha ilegítima de uma costureira empobrecida em 1743 e subiu na corte de Luís XV para se tornar sua última amante oficial.
The Three Musketeers: D'Artagnan
Foley Artist
First half of a two-film adaptation of Alexandre Dumas' novel.
Apaches: Gang of Paris
Foley Artist
1900. From Montmartre to Belleville, Paris is in the hands of ultra-violent gangs that reign terror on the capital: the Apaches. Ready to do anything to avenge the death of her brother, a young woman joins a gang. But the closer she gets to the man she wants to eliminate, the more fascinated she becomes by him.
Oh My Goodness!
Foley Artist
Five nuns set their sights on winning the cash prize in a major cycling race to raise money to renovate a dilapidated hospice. The only hitch is that none of them can ride a bicycle.
Princes of the Desert
Foley Artist
Zodi, a 12 years old nomad, find an orphan baby dromedary in the desert. He takes in the animal, feeds it, calls it Téhu and becomes its best friend.
Le Petit Piaf
Foley Artist
In a village somewhere on Reunion Island, Nelson, 10, dreams of being a singer and has signed up for Star Kids. Her friend Mia, accompanied by her little brother Zizou, decides to find a coach for her to help her prepare for the competition. His choice fell on Pierre Leroy, singer coming from Paris on a singing tour in a hotel by the sea, where Nelson's mother works. But the current does not pass between Pierre, lonely and disillusioned, and Nelson, proud and obstinate. Will their one thing in common, the love of singing, be strong enough to bring them together and heal their wounds?
A Farsa
Foley Artist
Quando um jovem gigolô cai no feitiço de uma tentadora vigarista, um esquema desonesto começa a ser planejado sob o sol ardente da Riviera Francesa. Em busca de uma vida de luxo, os dois amantes iriam tão longe a ponto de sacrificar o sustento de uma ex-estrela de cinema e de um corretor de imóveis? Paixão, crime, traição dão o tom neste romance cheio de reviravoltas.
The Innocent
Foley Artist
The story centres on Sylvie, a nearly sixty-year-old woman who has fallen in love with Michel, a thug she marries in prison. The two of them dream of starting again with a clean slate by opening a flower shop. But Sylvie’s son Abel, convinced that Michel will fall into a life of crime, disapproves of this relationship…
Maria rêve
Foley Artist
Maria a cleaning lady, who is reserved, shy and clumsy. When she is assigned to the School of Fine Arts, she meets Hubert, the school's whimsical guardian. There she discovers a fascinating place where freedom, creativity and daring reign.
The Little Gang
Foley Artist
The adventures of a group of passionate and fearless young children. One girl and four boys.
I Love Greece
Foley Artist
Jean and Marina go to Athens for their summer vacation. There they are reunited with Marina's family, while preparing to spend a romantic getaway, Marina's family decides to accompany them. But nothing will go according to the plan.
Arthur: Malediction
Foley Artist
Alex is an 18 year old young man. He has been a big fan of the Arthur and the Minimoys fantasy film saga for years. Then his group of friends suggests that he goes to the abandoned house where the film was shot. They are unaware that they are about to fall into a deadly plot.
Foley Artist
A driftless young woman discovers she's 11 weeks pregnant and has only 24 hours to make a consequential decision. This charming and meditative film examines how softly life moves, even in our most urgent moments.
My Imaginary Country
Foley Artist
“Outubro de 2019, uma revolução inesperada, uma explosão social. Um milhão e meio de pessoas manifestaram-se nas ruas de Santiago por mais democracia, uma vida mais digna, uma melhor educação, um melhor sistema de saúde e uma nova Constituição. O Chile tinha recuperado sua memória. O acontecimento de que eu estava à espera desde as minhas lutas estudantis em 1973 e que finalmente se materializou.” Patricio Guzmán
Kitchen Brigade
Foley Artist
Cathy is a sous-chef wanting to open a restaurant. With financial difficulties, Cathy accepts a job at a shelter for young migrants. At first she hates the job then her passion for cuisine starts to change children's lives.
My Sunny Maad
When Herra, a young Czech woman, falls in love with Nazir, an Afghan, she has no idea what kind of life awaits her in post-Taliban Afghanistan, nor of the family she is about to integrate into. A liberal grandfather, an adopted child who is highly intelligent and Freshta, who would do anything to escape her husband's violent grip.
A Fantástica Viagem de Marona
Foley Artist
Vítima de um acidente, uma cachorrinha se lembra dos diferentes tutores que amou incondicionalmente. Com sua empatia infalível, Marona trouxe leveza e inocência a cada um dos lares em que viveu.
Advantages of Travelling by Train
Foley Artist
After interning her insane husband in a remote psychiatric hospital, book editor Helga Pato returns home by train, where she meets a mysterious man who identifies himself as a psychiatrist.
Foley Artist
Nas Filipinas, mulheres são enviadas para trabalhar como empregadas domésticas ou babás no exterior. Num dos muitos centros de formação dedicados ao trabalho doméstico, um grupo de estagiárias se prepara para enfrentar a saudade de casa e os possíveis abusos que se avizinham.
O tigre sem riscas
A little tiger decides to take a long journey in search of his stripes.
Pesadelo no Inferno
Foley Artist
Pauline acaba de herdar uma casa de sua tia e então decide morar lá com suas duas filhas, Beth e Vera. Mas, logo na primeira noite, o lugar é atacado por violentos invasores e Pauline faz de tudo para proteger as crianças. Dezesseis anos depois, as meninas, agora já crescidas, voltam para a casa e se deparam com coisas estranhas.
Foley Artist
O filme é uma reflexão muito atual e quase serena sobre o caminho comum das sociedades europeias de hoje, sobre o isolamento, a perplexidade diante das dificuldades que surgem, sobre a vida nas cidades e dentro das famílias. É uma tensão crescente que nunca explode.
Três homens casados e ricos fazem anualmente uma espécie de caçada no deserto. Desta vez, um dos empresários decide trazer sua amante (Matilda Lutz). Quando ela é abandonada para morrer devido a uma série de acontecimentos, eles terão que lidar consequências de uma mulher que busca vingança.
A Chegada
Foley Artist
Quando seres interplanetários deixam marcas na Terra, a Dra. Louise Banks, uma linguista especialista no assunto, é procurada por militares para traduzir os sinais e desvendar se os alienígenas representam uma ameaça. No entanto, a resposta para todas as perguntas e mistérios coloca em risco a vida de Louise e a de toda a humanidade.
O Homem das Sombras
Uma cidade isolada começa a se desfazer pouco a pouco, conforme as crianças vão desaparecendo sem deixar pistas. De acordo com uma lenda local, o responsável seria um homem alto e misterioso, que vive nos arredores. Mas a enfermeira Julia Denning não acredita em nada disso. Pelo menos até seu filho ser raptado no meio da noite e ela ser forçada a rever seus conceitos e enfrentar seus maiores medos para tentar salvá-lo.
Os filhos da chuva
There is a world with two towns that are big enemies: Pyross and Hydross.
The King of the Misty Forest
Foley Recordist
The King of the Misty Forest