Andreas Lautil


Fabian: O Mundo Está Acabando
Jakob Fabian, um jovem publicitário, passa seus dias em uma empresa de cigarros e suas noites vagando pelas ruas de Berlim, quando se apaixona por Cornelia, uma bela atriz. Quando a carreira dela floresce, as perspectivas de futuro diminuem em meio ao hedonismo crepuscular da Alemanha pré-nazista.
Trouble is brewing in idyllic small-town Bavaria. Not so much because the village’s well-known webcam girl was murdered, a case Franz Eberhofer investigates in his usual laid-back manner, but more because now, of all times, his pushy yet always helpful partner Rudi is stuck in a wheelchair after an accident for which, of course, he blames Franz. The tension rises when Rudi settles in on the farm, expecting round-the-clock care from Franz.
Rules of the Assembly Line, at High Speed
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A small town in Western Germany is the last stop for 26,000 pigs per day and a brief home for masses of Eastern European temporary workers. The workers of the largest slaughterhouse in the country are fighting for survival, while German activists who stand up for their rights are fighting against the local authorities. At the same time, Munich high school students are working on the play "Saint Joan of the Stockyards" and trying to grasp the old text and German capitalism of our days. Interwoven with the young people's examination of the text in the rehearsals, the film deals in various fragments with conditions and facets of temporary work and labour migration in Germany.
Vic o Viking e a Espada Mágica
Vic é um jovem viking como nenhum outro: não muito forte, mas muito esperto. Quando seu pai, Halvar, o chefe da aldeia, rouba uma espada de seu inimigo jurado, o engodo do ganho causa estragos entre os vikings.
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A woman meets a man in a bar late in the evening and goes to his apartment. A woman picks up a girl from school and runs with the child through the park. If we see such scenes in a movie, or are we watching such situations in life, we quickly believe we know who these women are: a woman looking for a fleeting adventure in the first scene, a caring mother in the second.
"An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth" is the life motto of 30-year-old Agnieszka. After serving five years in prison, Agnieszka flees Poland for Germany in an attempt to start over. In Munich she meets the lonely 70-year-old Madame, boss of an escort agency. The woman provides her with a refuge and a job: Agnieszka begins to work as a dominatrix for Madame. She becomes like a daughter to her. All seems well until a much younger boy falls in love with Agnieszka. Madame will not stand any competition."
Resident Evil: O Hóspede Maldito
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Uma equipe de comando militar composta por civis deve lutar contra mortos-vivos carnívoros, cães mutantes e defesas mortíferas de um super computador, antes que um vírus solto consuma a humanidade, nesta adaptação do sucesso da série de vídeo-games!