Sound Mixer
Um jovem garoto mongol transforma a dor em uma fonte de poder, após a morte de seu pai.
NGO Staff Paul
Based on the true story of Benjamin Prufer and Sreykeo Solvan. The unexpected and uncertain love story of Sreykeo, a 21 year old bar girl in Phnom Penh and Ben, a young German student traveling to Cambodia on a post graduation summer trip. When Ben returns home to Germany he discovers that Sreyko is sick and he takes on the responsibility to save her. On the way he discovers a world where not everyone is dealt the same cards and where motivations are not always pure.
Sound Mixer
Many years after her notorious husband, Henry Fool, fled after killing a neighbor, Fay Grim receives a visit from CIA agent Fulbright, who tells her that Henry is dead, but that some of his journals have been unearthed in France. She sets forth on a globe-trotting odyssey that soon leads to the discovery that he is alive, and his journals are more than they appear to be.
This is the story of a handful of people who had long quit believing in real existing socialism. They decided to do something about it. In a climate of continuous repression they were able to express artistic freedom in ways which no one would have deemed possible. Clandestine exhibitions, illegal rock-concerts and excessive partying was part of the programme. A clique around singer Jan Sputnik formed a punk-rock band called Democratic Consumption, as a way to earn money. They toured around Germany, performing shows and partied each day like it was their last.
Sound Mixer
Em novembro de 1924 um misterioso assassinato acontece no iate Oneida, do magnata das comunicações William Randolph Hearst (Edward Herrmann). Entre os convidados da excursão estão Charles Chaplin (Eddie Izzard); a starlet Marion Davies (Kirsten Dunst), amante de Hearst; o produtor de cinema todo-poderoso Thomas Ince (Cary Elwes); a temida colunista social Louella Parsons (Jennifer Tilly); e a romancista inglesa Elinor Glyn (Joanna Lumley). Noitadas de muito uísque e jazz alimentam intrigas, paixões e ciúmes. Hearst desconfia que sua amante o trai com Chaplin, que passa a ser alvo da vigilância de Ince. Até que um tiro é ouvido no iate.