Quatro crianças sonham em escapar do tédio de um feriado de verão com sua mãe. Quando finalmente recebem permissão para acampar sozinhos eles ficam muito felizes. Então as quatro crianças, os Andorinhas (Swallows), velejam sozinhas até uma ilha no meio de um imenso lago. Mas quando chegam, descobrem que eles podem não estão sozinhos. Lá já estão outras crianças, as Amazonas. A batalha pela propriedade de uma ilha solitária começa e ensina as habilidades de sobrevivência, o valor da amizade e a importância de se manter calmo. Enquanto isso, um homem misterioso em uma casa fluvial acusa-os de um crime que não cometeram.
After witnessing the brutal murder of his family by a vicious killer, criminal psychologist Gregory Burroughs is engulfed with an obsession for revenge.
Micro-budget horror film shot in 1994 about three criminals whose bid to pull off the perfect heist goes horribly wrong. First, one of the three is shot during the robbery, leaving the young couple, Simon (Steve Kelly) and Lisa, (Marcia Carol Miller Dollarhide) to fend for themselves. The two decide to separate and rendezvous in a deserted house. Simon arrives first, and proceeds to spend the night there, waiting for Lisa. During the night, Simon comes face to face with the dark presences of an axe murderer (Dan Skinner) and his victims, who attempt to claim him as one of their own.
Micro-budget horror film shot in 1994 about three criminals whose bid to pull off the perfect heist goes horribly wrong. First, one of the three is shot during the robbery, leaving the young couple, Simon (Steve Kelly) and Lisa, (Marcia Carol Miller Dollarhide) to fend for themselves. The two decide to separate and rendezvous in a deserted house. Simon arrives first, and proceeds to spend the night there, waiting for Lisa. During the night, Simon comes face to face with the dark presences of an axe murderer (Dan Skinner) and his victims, who attempt to claim him as one of their own.