Amélie Labrèche

Amélie Labrèche


Amélie Labrèche


A translator working for a food processing plant that hires seasonal workers from Guatemala is, at first determined to obey the sometimes excessive directives of the young boss, but she befriends the workers and tries to defend them against the exploitation they suffer.
Você Pode Viver para Sempre
Quando a adolescente lésbica Jaime é enviada para viver em uma comunidade das Testemunhas de Jeová, ela se apaixona por uma devota Testemunha e as duas embarcam em um intenso caso com consequências que irão remodelar o resto de suas vidas.
Gaby’s Hills
No-one wants to play football with Gaby now that she has breasts. Like every other year, the 13-year-old is spending the summer with her dad on a small island off the Canadian coast – and she is not about to pretend that she’s suddenly a different person.
Will and Cath, a young couple in their twenties without a story, are looking for an intimate place to park their car and love each other. Sitting in the passenger seat, Cath becomes more and more exhilarated as the car slips into the dark as Will, behind the wheel, apprehends every nook and cranny the headlights reveal. Deep in the forest, their intimacy will be the scene of a destabilizing encounter between sensuality and horror...
Noémie Says Yes
After running away from a youth center, 15-year-old Noémie befriends a group of delinquents and falls in love with a pimp. After some convincing, she finds herself thrust into life as an escort.
Vida de Campeã
Enquanto jovem e em seu auge, Nadia decide se aposentar da natação profissional após os Jogos Olímpicos para escapar de uma vida rígida de sacrifícios. Depois de sua última corrida, Nadia mergulha em noites de excesso pontuadas por episódios de insegurança. Mas mesmo esse entorpecimento transicional não pode esconder sua verdadeira busca interior: definir sua identidade fora do mundo dos esportes de elite.
A Risada
Valerie foi a única sobrevivente de uma execução em massa ocorrida em meio a uma guerra civil no Quebec. Com o passar dos anos, embora tenha conseguido reconstruir sua vida, tornando-se enfermeira numa casa de repouso e iniciando um novo relacionamento amoroso, Valerie ainda sofre da síndrome do sobrevivente. Até que conhece Jeanne, uma erudita e sarcástica paciente, que lhe dá outra perspectiva sobre a vida.
Sisters: Dream & Variations
Assistant Editor
The first feature by editor Catherine Legault, SISTERS: DREAM & VARIATIONS invites us to discover the creative and personal worlds of two distinctive Montreal artists. Tyr and Jasa have Icelandic roots, and they’ve always been artists at heart. Having become a musician and an interdisciplinary artist respectively, they have developed artistic practices that draw on their colourful imaginations and family roots, including the use of audio recordings of their Icelandic great-grandmother. In a symbiotic relationship with its protagonists’ creativity, the film includes animations and performances in order to do justice to Tyr and Jasa’s artistic approach and particular identity, deftly combining reality and dreams.
Two childhood friends from the same Quebec Innu community begin to realize that they face very different futures.
Jaeborn By Numbers
A triptych consisting of three paint-by-number tableaux is auctioned for $14 million at Christie’s. Signed by top-selling artist Matt Jaeborn as a child, the art market is apparently blind to the obvious.
Happy Face
Montreal 1992 —Estranged from his cancer-stricken mother, Stan, a quixotic 19-year-old, dons a disguise and joins a therapy workshop for disfigured patients in a misguided attempt to reconnect with her.
Logan, obsessive video blogger and enthusiastic urban explorer, will do anything to achieve her 15 minutes of fame and attract viewers to her YouTube channel.
March Fool
Struggling with depression, Louis finds out that his family is planning a prank on him for April Fools' day. Problem is: we're still in March...
Durante o inverno, Chloe, de 18 anos, foge de Montreal e pega carona até Tadoussac, um pequeno povoado turístico de Quebec. Em troca de um quarto para ficar, ela trabalha em um albergue local, assim como vários outros jovens viajantes. Mas, em segredo, Chloe também está à procura de alguém.
A man blames himself for the tragic death of his daughter's friend. Unable to get past this event, the man spirals into depression, and then he undergoes a 'groundbreaking' therapeutic treatment that may put him in contact with dead people.
Where Do Cats Go After 9 Lives?
Lily-May decides to tell those closest to her about the choice she has made. She intends to end her life at an assisted suicide clinic. When the time of our own death is predetermined, is saying goodbye any easier?
É Apenas o Fim do Mundo
Assistant Editor
Um escritor vai ao encontro de sua família após 12 anos para informá-los que irá morrer em breve. O passado ressurge de maneira implacável e a situação acaba saindo do controle.
Tom na Fazenda
Assistant Editor
O último trabalho do incansável, criativo e provocativo Xavier Dolan, canadense (“Eu Matei Minha Mãe” e “Laurence Anyways”) segue um homem aflito que visita os pais de seu amante morto – apenas para descobrir que eles não tinham conhecimento da orientação sexual de seu filho.
New Years' Eve. Boy meets girl. Boy doesn't have condom. A film about unprotected sex, destiny, and soul music.