Josh Pearson


The Hunger Games - Os Jogos da Fome
Katniss Everdeen fica, por vontade própria, no lugar da irmã nos Jogos da Fome: uma competição televisiva em que dois adolescentes de cada um dos doze distritos de Panem são escolhidos ao acaso para lutar contra a morte.
A New Life
A young American falls obsessively in love with a mysterious courtesan named Melania against the backdrop of a dilapidated Eastern European landscape.
Sonic Outlaws
EBN member
Within days of the release of Negativland's clever parody of U2 and Casey Kasem, recording industry giant Island Records descended upon the band with a battery of lawyers intent on erasing the piece from the history of rock music. Craig "Tribulation 99" Baldwin follows this and other intellectual property controversies across the contemporary arts scene. Playful and ironic, his cut-and-paste collage-essay surveys the prospects for an "electronic folk culture" in the midst of an increasingly commodified corporate media landscape.