Director of Photography
Para Ada e Piper Spencer, cantar é tão natural como respirar. Abençoadas com talento e determinação, estas irmãs esperam realizar o seu sonho de se apresentarem nos palcos de Nashville. Mas há um segredo de família que as raparigas nunca conheceram. Nos seus anos mais novos, o pai perseguiu os seus próprios sonhos musicais antes de conhecer a mãe, antes de se juntar aos fuzileiros, e antes de perder a vida no Iraque há muitos anos. Ada e Piper nunca chegaram a conhecer o pai. Mas a descoberta por acaso de uma carta leva as raparigas numa busca para descobrir quem ele realmente era. À medida que aprendem a verdade sobre o pai e as escolhas que fez, também têm uma melhor compreensão de si mesmos e do vínculo especial que mantém a sua família unida.
Director of Photography
Os relacionamentos amorosos pelo ponto de vista neurológico. O funcionamento interno do cérebro de mulheres e homens, o poder da química cerebral entre casais em diferentes estágios das suas relações.
Director of Photography
Um homem está preparando a sua cerimônia de casamento, mas ele não tem padrinhos para convidar. Para fingir que tem amigos, ele contrata desconhecidos para se passarem por padrinhos, mas este grupo atrapalhado vai colocar os planos de seu casamento em risco.
The owner of a cosmetics company is unveiling a new cream which she claims she's been using. She's been keeping her age a secret and now reveals that she's 60 and owes her appearance to the cream. She's later killed and the formula missing. Her husband is arrested and Perry defends him.
Perry Mason is invited to the marriage of the daughter of an old friend of his. But after the ceremony the uncle of the bride is dead. Certainly this is a case for Perry Mason.
Sleazy talk show host Ted Mayne writes a tell-all book, which enrages and embarrasses several very prominent women. One of them, actress Roxanne Shield, loses her composure during an interview and winds up making a televised death threat. Of course, when Ted is murdered, she is arrested. Witnesses claim they saw Roxanne outside his apartment that night and police later find the murder weapon in her car. Renowned defence attorney Perry Mason accepts the challenge of defending her in court.
A painter, believed to be dead, returns to make allegations that a gallery owner is selling counterfeits of his work. Later, the artist is murdered.
Della's friend is accused of murdering a rival fashion magazine editor.
David Katz is a world famous magician and he comes to Denver with his group to perform for a charity gala for disabled children. Also there is Perry and Della as all three are supporters of the charity. Kate Ford, an assistant with an arrogant attitude, tells David that she is, from now on, going to do an illusion in which an assistant is raised in a glass coffin only to disappear when the coffin is opened up in the air (while the assistant climbs out before the coffin is raised.) After a one night stand with David, Kate is pregnant and she blackmails David with this. David and his wife Judy can't have children so that comes as a double blow to them. However Kate, with her attitude, creates much hatred at her from the rest of the group. At the gala, the glass coffin is raised but when it opens Kate's dead body falls to the ground - strangled.
A gangster who has commited all kinds of crimes is accused to have killed his wife. As he was not the murderer in this case Perry Mason intents to find the killer...
Perry is at TV station "KGGY" to be interviewed but thanks to the interference of main anchor-person Brett Huston the interview is pulled. Mostly everybody hates Brett as Brett knows all the station workers secrets. He has also written a memo insulting all of the main station players - Vic St. John - the station manager, Twyla Cooper - the producer, Chuck Gilmore - the sports reporter, Gary Slate - the weatherman, Cassie Woodfield - the reporter and Gillian Pope. Brett is shot dead with Gillian's gun and therefore is arrested for the crime. Gillian calls in Perry, Della and Ken to investigate. As Della and Perry set out to solve the mystery, Ken gets close to Cassie but she is a suspect and when it appears that somebody is trying to kill her, the mystery deepens..
Perry Mason defends the husband of a famous rock singer who was found being killed after having had a tremendous discussion with her husband and her manager.
The chief suspects in the murder of an author are the numerous colleagues whom he continuously plagiarized.
A hockey player of friend of Ken Malansky's is accused of murdering a team owner. Perry takes the case.
A young theatre director is accused of killing a more famous Broadway director. Perry takes his case.
Ken Malansky, a law student of Perry Mason's, is accused of murdering a fellow student. Perry is reluctant to take on his case as the victim was the son of a close friend.
A woman suddenly disappears after an early morning walk, and her husband is accused of murder.
Mason defends a man he had sentenced to prison when he was an appellate-court judge. Now, 18 months after the sentencing, a new witness turns up to prove the man's innocence. Mason steps in to defend the man.
Perry is sueing a gutter trash newspaper that is running a story about a love affair between him and Della. The editor also has "dirt" files on an Army General, his banker and other "clients". All of them make little-concealed verbal threats to him at a party but the person that hated him most is a female reporter who the editor had just fired from the paper for attempting to write a serious story. She threatens him and soon after the editor is found, floating in his pool, shot. The reporter is arrested for the crime and Perry, who has a personal stake in this matter, with the aid of Della and Paul set out to solve the mystery. But the other suspects just want the case over with and will go to any lengths to protect their pasts and their secrets
Perry investigates the murder of a former madam and uncovers a multimillion dollar banking fraud in the process.
O brilhante advogado Perry Mason, volta neste filme dirigido por Richard Lang, para decifrar, talvez, o mistério mais difícil de sua carreira. O escritor David Hall, vai com um grupo de pessoas para um velho hotel mal-assombrado. Depois de uma noite de acontecimentos misteriosos Hall é atirado da torre do sino e Jordan White, seu editor que estava no local na hora do crime, é acusado pelo assassinato. Perry Mason é chamado para defender o caso e investigar os estranhos e sinistros acontecimentos do Hotel.