Fernando González

Nascimento : 1927-05-30, Madrid, Madrid, Spain


Hombres G: Fue Hace 30 años
Production Director
All the King's Men
Art Direction
Feature-length drama about the mystery of Sandringham Company, which disappeared in action at Gallipoli in 1915. Commanded by Captain Frank Beck, their estate manager, the men advanced into battle, were enveloped in a strange mist and never seen again.
Art Direction
In a future in which most water has disappeared from the Earth, we find a group of children, mostly teenagers, who are living at an orphanage, run by the despotic rulers of the new Earth. The group in question plays a hockey based game on roller skates and is quite good. It has given them a unity that transcends the attempts to bring them to heel by the government. Finding an orb of special power, they find it has unusual effects on them. They escape from the orphanage (on skates) and try to cross the wasteland looking for a place they can live free as the storm-troopers search for them and the orb.
Fúria de Titãs
Art Direction
Deuses do Olimpo, terríveis monstros mitológicos e heróis mortais fazem deste espetáculo de imaginação uma aventura imperdível. Harry Hamlin é Perseu, o filho mortal de Zeus (Laurence Olivier), que luta para salvar a vida da princesa Andrômeda (Judi Bowker) do monstro marinho Kraken. Para tal, ele precisa de uma arma tão letal quanto difícil de conseguir: A cabeça de Medusa! Acompanhado de um grupo de corajosos guerreiros e montado no fabuloso Pegasus, o cavalo alado, Perseu parte em uma aventura sem precedentes pelas terras fantásticas da mitologia grega.
The House on Garibaldi Street
Production Design
When Israeli officials learn that Nazi war criminal Adolf Eichmann may be living in Argentina, they send a team of secret agents to apprehend him.
The Story of David
Associate Producer
The "David and Goliath" legend is presented as credibly as possible, while David's later disastrous romance with Bathsheba is handled with taste and decorum. Also in the cast are Anthony Quayle as King Saul, and Terence Hardiman as Bathsheba's unfortunate warrior husband Uriah.
Art Direction
A disillusioned and depressed film director is forced to confront his lack of humanity through his involvement in the death of a young actress and the suicide of her husband.
The Possessed
Set Decoration
An old witch seeks vengence through the daughter of the politician who had her thrown in jail. Soon the little girl's head is spinning around, and an old priest is called in to perform an exorcism.
As Novas Viagens de Simbad
Art Direction
Esta é uma espetacular aventura passada nas misteriosas terras antigas, habitadas por incríveis criaturas! Simbad (John Phillip Law) - Príncipe de Bagdá e lendário marinheiro - acha um intrigante mapa e sai em busca da desconhecida ilha de Lemuria, levando a bela escrava Margiana (Caroline Muron) e o Grão Vizir de Marabia. O Príncipe Koura (Tom Baker), um maligno feiticeiro que tenta obter o controle de Marabia com a manipulação de espíritos do mal, segue-os para impedir o sucesso de Simbad. Mas o marinheiro encontra Lemuria a despeito dos terríveis feitiços lançados por Koura em seu caminho. Em Lemuria, Simbad e sua corajosa tripulção lutam contra uma estátua de seis espadas, um centauro de um olho só e um Grifo, fabuloso animal com cabeça de águia e garras de leão. Finalmente Simbad confronta-se a Koura, num duelo de vida e morte!
Sou Pago Para Matar
Set Decoration
A cold hearted American hit man goes to Europe for "one last score". His encounter with a beautiful young woman casts self doubt on his lifeblood, and influences him to resist carrying out the contract.
Perro golfo
Art Direction
A widower butcher uses the grace of his child's pet, a tramp dog, to attract customers to his post. One day, seen how effective is this system, he decides to use the same trick for a more delicate issue: conquering the florist who has a stall in front of him, which he has always loved.