Nine LGBTQs come together after the Pulse Massacre to join one man, a hairdresser and activist from New Jersey without political experience, as he builds a national rally to demand LGBTQIA equal rights, fight the NRA and challenge America's obsession with gun violence.
Punk Rock
An innocent and impressionable girl, Sarah, gets an invitation to a secret beauty shop only to find it's not what she expects.
The Woman
The woman is perpetually playing violin to merge into her dark world with a vengeance.
Um grupo de amigas millennial se reúne para na véspera de Ano Novo para relembrar o passado. À medida que começam a vir à tona antigas recordações, brincando de "eu nunca", rancores e segredos ocultos por muito tempo se manifestam das maneiras mais infames e surpreendentes.
Vet Tech
An autobiographical short film adapted from a collection of memories from various moments in this woman's life where she wanted to die.
Ugly Sweater Girl
A woman at rock bottom must find her way across Los Angeles in order to crash her ex-boyfriend's engagement party.