Cleaning Lady
Edina, a female bodybuilder, is ready to sacrifice everything for the dream she shares with Adam, her partner and trainer: to win the Miss Olympia competition. The odd love she finds on her way there makes her see the difference between her dreams and her true self.
Aryan, um jovem migrante, é baleado ao tentar ilegalmente cruzar a fronteira da Hungria. Depois do choque provocado pelo acidente, descobre que adquiriu o poder de levitar e agora, preso em um campo refugiados, precisa contar com a ajuda do Dr. Stern, que tem interesses muito específicos na habilidade sobrenatural.
A high-school cleaning lady falls in love with one of the students in the school. Her love is impossible from the beginning but at this point in her life - just for a moment, she believes this can be possible and she tries to show her feelings.