Danny Sapani
Nascimento : 1970-11-15, London, England, UK
Danny Sapani is a British-Ghanaian actor. He is best known for appearing in Misfits, Doctor Who, Penny Dreadful, The Crown, Star Wars: The Last Jedi and Black Panther.
A love story between 24-year-old Grace and her 11-year old-daughter, Ama. It is a story of wonder and intimacy, of vulnerability and fear and of not being able to let go even when you know it’s the right thing to do. A dual coming-of-age that centres Grace’s inability to leave the past behind or let herself become the woman she could be against Ama’s burgeoning puberty and curiosity of the world. As Grace is forced to confront the truth of her past, she has to come to terms with her trauma and its effects on Ama.
Border Tribe Elder
A rainha Ramonda, Shuri, M'Baku, Okoye e as poderosas Dora Milaje lutam para proteger sua nação após a morte do rei T'Challa. Com a ajuda da Cão de Guerra Nakia e de Everett Ross, eles tentam encontrar um novo caminho para Wakanda.
US Adult
From front rooms, Black families, friends, students and older generations navigate British and American society today.
Tshembe Matoseh
An African country teeters on the edge of civil war. A society prepares to drive out its colonial present and claim an independent future. Racial tensions boil over. Tshembe, returned home from England for his father’s funeral, finds himself in the eye of the storm.
Border Tribe Elder
O príncipe T'Challa retorna a Wakanda para ser coroado rei. Assumindo o manto de Pantera Negra, ele vai à caça de um vilão que roubou um precioso metal de seu país.
Medical Frigate Captain
A tranquila e solitária vida de Luke Skywalker sofre uma reviravolta quando ele conhece Rey, uma jovem que mostra fortes sinais da Força. O desejo dela de aprender o estilo dos Jedi força Luke a tomar uma decisão que mudará sua vida para sempre. Enquanto isso, Kylo Ren e o General Hux lideram a Primeira Ordem para um ataque total contra Leia e a Resistência pela supremacia da galáxia.
Moise Tshombe
No Congo, 150 soldados da ONU defendem uma pequena cidade do ataque de três mil mercenários por dias a fio. Baseado em fatos reais.
Medea is a wife and a mother. For the sake of her husband, Jason, she’s left her home and borne two sons in exile. But when he abandons his family for a new life, Medea faces banishment and separation from her children. Cornered, she begs for one day’s grace. It’s time enough. She exacts an appalling revenge and destroys everything she holds dear.
Picking up the storyline from where Singam ended, Duraisingam has gone undercover after meeting the Home Minister and is working as an NCC officer in a school in Thoothukudi. The only people who know about this operation are the Chief Minister and Home Minister apart from himself.
Um profissional ligado aos leilões de peças de arte acaba envolvido com uma gangue responsável pelo roubo de quadros. Para se livrar destas pessoas, ele deve se unir a uma hipnoterapeuta, mas logo a relação entre desejo, realidade e sugestão hipnótica começa a colocar todos em perigo.
Eddie (Paul Freeman) é um criminoso insignificante que manda e desmanda em Southend-sea. A chegada repentina de seu chefe, Jimmy (Peter Wight), na cidade para coletar uma maleta cheia de dinheiro sujo, traz o caos em seu rastro. Cheio de reviravoltas, traições e assassinatos, Hard Boiled Sweets é um thriller inspirado no bem sucedido curtametragem internacional,"A Girl and a Gun".
Shirley is the youngest of eight children from a mixed race marriage. By the time she is a toddler the family have moved to the all white area of Splott and by the time she is 12 Shirley has discovered she has an extraordinary voice and can earn money singing in pubs around the docks after her father if jailed for sexual crimes. As a young teenager she begins singing and dancing in 'coloured review shows'. But it is a chance meeting with struggling agent Mike Sullivan that changes her life forever. He promises to make her a star, but has no idea of the personal sacrifice that will mean for the teenaged Shirley.
A sometimes fantastical love story set in Notting Hill, Perfect tells the story of what happens when Adam and Liberty's paths cross and how their worlds impact on each other.
Uma série de assassinatos assombram Oxford ultimamente e a esperança dos moradores da região estão com dois homens: Arthur Seldom (John Hurt), um prestigiado professor de lógica, e Martin (Elijah Wood), um jovem estudante que acabara de chegar à universidade na expectativa de estudar com o professor. Ao que tudo indica, os crimes estão ligados por códigos, estranhos símbolos e números matemáticos. Professor e estudante juntam suas habilidades para desvendar o mistério e montar esse difícil quebra-cabeças. Na medida que Martin chega perto da verdade, aumenta a sensação de insegurança e incompreensão com o mundo ao seu redor.
The story of an adventurous odyssey experienced by a group of West Africans to build a new life in Germany.
A sex worker, a hired killer, and a movie crew cross paths in a Venice hotel where human meat is on the menu.
An out-of-work architect turns his house into a bed and breakfast hotel.
An urban action-comedy from Adam Deacon.