John McLiam

John McLiam

Nascimento : 1918-01-24, Alberta, Canada

Morte : 1994-04-16


John McLiam


Fall From Grace
Révérend Aubrey Sara
Jim Bakker establishes a large televangelical empire in the 1980s, including Heritage Village. However, they are removed from P.T.L, the ministry that they had established in 1987.
Split Decisions
Pop McGuinn
When a boxer is killed because he wouldn't take a dive, his brother tries to find a way to avenge him even if only symbolically.
Um Lobo Na Família
H.P. Truman
Quando bebê, Bobo se separa de sua família durante uma viagem de acampamento. Depois de ser criado por cães selvagens por vinte anos, Bobo é descoberto pela pesquisadora de animais Penny, que o traz de volta à sua família e tenta ensinar Bobo a se reajustar à vida com humanos. Enquanto sua mãe se alegra em vê-lo novamente, o irmão mais velho de Bobo, Henry, está mais preocupado em perder sua parte da herança. Enquanto Bobo avança com as lições de Penny, Henry planeja eliminá-lo.
J. Edgar Hoover
A. Mitchell Palmer
He battled the Kennedys and Martin Luther King, encouraged McCarthy and single-handedly changed the course of history. Hired by F.D.R. to be the director of the FBI, Hoover erected the most sophisticated investigatory agency in the world.
Voyager from the Unknown
Dr. Bernard
It is 1984. Jeffrey Jones is an 11-year-old orphan entrusted to his uncle and aunt. One evening, Phineas Bogg crashes through his bedroom window. As the young boy's dog rushes to the intruder, he bites into the book in Bogg's hand. In the ensuing panic, while trying to snatch the book from the fangs of the animal, Jeffrey swings out the window. Bogg jumps into the void to catch him and both are projected into time. Phineas Bogg is part of a group called the "Travellers". As they try to return Jeffrey to his own time, they encounter famous people from the past — while trying not to alter the path of history.
Hyrum Dempsey
Nominated for two primetime Emmy Awards in 1984, this made-for-TV movie follows the true story of American boxer Jack Dempsey, who became a media sensation in the 1920s as the world heavyweight champion. Based upon the book by Jack Dempsey and Barbara Piatelli Dempsey.
Rambo: Programado Para Matar
Orval the Dog Man
Quando o xerife de uma pequena cidade detém o veterano da Guerra do Vietnã John Rambo, ele não percebe que desencadeou uma série de acontecimentos que deixará sua comunidade em caos. Respondendo ao tratamento brutal da polícia, Rambo foge da prisão e é perseguido pelo xerife.
The Ambush Murders
Judge Collier
An African-American political activist is wrongfully imprisoned for killing two white policemen; he is unwary of yet another white lawyer who claims that he will help free him.
The End of August
In the turn of the century South, a woman feels unfulfilled by marriage and motherhood and has an affair with a younger man. Later, the woman leaves her family and tries to start a new life alone.
Mistress of Paradise
Nathan MacKay
In the 19th century, a wealthy Northern woman marries a Louisiana plantation owner and then becomes suspicious about his first wife's death.
The Five of Me
Henry Hawksworth (David Birney) is a man menaced by a multiple personality. There is Dana, the conservative family man; Johnny, violent and sociopathic; Peter, creative and childish; and Phil, protective and unemotional. "Dana" falls in love with Ann (Dee Wallace) and marries her. Following a crime, "Johnny" is arrested and tried. In court, Henry's multiple personalities are painfully revealed.
Farewell to the Planet of the Apes
When the astronauts Burke and Virdon, with their chimp companion Galen, are captured in a fishing village that employs human slave labor, they must prove their worth as fishermen or be sacrificed to the 'gods of the sea,' or what the men call sharks. Escaping from the forced labor camp, the trio become involved in a plot to develop a glider to drop a fragmentation bomb on the gorilla council. [The fifth of five telefilms edited from episodes of the 1974 TV series; this film combines the episodes "Tomorrow's Tide" and "Up Above the World So High"]
Freedom Road
President Ulysses S. Grant
Ex-slave and former Union soldier Gideon Jackson represents other ex-slaves at the constitutional convention, and is soon elected to the U.S. Senate despite opposition from white landowners, law enforcement and the KKK. He unites with sharecropper Abner Lait, who helps Jackson unite ex-slaves and white tenant farmers.
A Lenda do Revólver Dourado
Jake Powell
Em 1863 os EUA era uma nação dividida, a guerra alastrou-se no Leste, era irmão contra irmão tendo como tema "Liberdade do Homem". No Oeste a guerra Civil deu origem a outro tipo de criminoso que invadiram Kansas, Missouri, sendo proscritos escravistas, sequestradores, estripadores, matando e dizimando famílias inteiras. É nesse contexto que um jovem fazendeiro e um escravo fugitivo fazem parte de um grupo que persegue o lendário guerrilheiro confederado William Quantrill. Ao longo do caminho encontram com um pistoleiro legendário, que ensina o jovem fazendeiro como atirar e lhe dá uma arma especial que dispara sete tiros, o sétimo tiro que ele só deve utilizar para combater o mal.
Shadow of Fear
A boy turns to his pets after his father dies, and on a visit to his great-uncle in the Amish country, he learns their legends and superstitions. He soon discovers he has the power to make mind contact with the animals.
O Regresso do Incrível Hulk
On the run and presumed dead by the authorities, David Banner, using the name 'Benton', continues in his efforts to find a cure. He accidentally finds himself in the middle of a plot to kill a young, crippled girl so her unscrupulous relatives can inherit the family fortune.
Delta County, USA
Cap McCain
Delta County is a staid Southern community caught between the old traditions and a rapidly changing way of life. For teenagers Terry Nicholas, his sister McCain, and Joe Ed, the boy from the wrong side of the tracks that she's attracted to, the old traditions have little meaning in their lives. Their elders, struggling to preserve values of an older day, have personal problems that are sometimes overwhelming, such as the one facing John McCain Jr., an alcoholic whose wife Kate is having a hidden and torrid romance that sets her husband off on a vengeance-seeking spree.
A Fúria das Feras Atômicas
Mr. Skinner
Morgan and his friends are on a hunting trip on a remote Canadian island when they are attacked by a swarm of giant wasps. Looking for help, Morgan stumbles across a barn inhabited by an enormous killer chicken. After doing some exploring, they discover the entire island is crawling with animals that have somehow grown to giant size. The most dangerous of all of these, however, are the rats, who are mobilizing to do battle with the human intruders.
Duelo de Gigantes
David Braxton
Rico rancheiro contrata um mercenário para caçar um ladrão de cavalos que está ameaçando o fruto do trabalho de sua vida, e sua família. Mas a perseguição, que era pra livrar a região da violência, resulta numa série de eventos brutais e selvagens.
O Risco de Uma Decisão
At the beginning of the 20th century, a newspaper organizes an endurance horse race : 700 miles to run in a few days. 9 adventurers are competing, among them a woman, Miss Jones, a Mexican, an Englishman, a young cow-boy, an old one and two friends, Sam Clayton and Luke Matthews. All those individualists will learn to respect each other.
Attack on Terror: The FBI vs. the Ku Klux Klan
Jailer Sutton
After three civil-rights workers are murdered in Mississippi in 1964, a team of FBI agents is sent there to find the killers.
Rafferty and the Gold Dust Twins
John Beechwood
Hapless driving instructor and former Gunnery Sergeant Rafferty, living in squalor near Hollywood, California, doesn't put up too much of a fight when two ladies hitch a ride and attempt to kidnap him in their attempt to get to New Orleans; while initially put off, Rafferty finds he's charmed by the kooky pair of misfits and the three of them drive to Las Vegas, Nevada and later Tucson, Arizona, where their bond eventually unravels.
The Dove
Lyle Graham
The true story of a 16 year old (Robin Lee Graham, played by Joseph Bottoms) who aims to become the youngest person to sail around the world in a 23 foot sloop named "The Dove". On his journey he meets and falls in love with a young woman (Patti Ratteree, played by Deborah Raffin) who is also traveling around the world. The story follows Robin around the world to many beautiful locals, as he grows from a boy to a man, finds himself, and finds the love of his life.
O Dorminhoco
Dr. Agon
Miles (Woody Allen), um desastrado clarinetista que também dirige uma loja de alimentos saudáveis em Greenwich Village - NYC, é congelado criogenicamente e trazido de volta 200 anos no futuro por radicais anti-governamentais, a fim de ajudá-los em sua tentativa de derrubar o governo opressor . Quando se livra de todos, ele começa a explorar este admirável mundo novo, que tem cabines Orgasmatron para substituir sexo e robôs confessionais.
Legend in Granite
Dom Olejnickzak
Follows Vince Lombardi's football career from one of Fordham University's legendary "Seven Blocks of Granite" to one of American football's greatest professional coaches.
O Homem de Gelo
Jimmy Tomorrow
Estamos em 1912, tudo se passa dentro de um bar espelunca chamado The Last Chance Saloon, onde seus clientes pobres aguardam ansiosamente a chegada de Hickey, que aparece anualmente e oferece para todo mundo bebidas gratuitas e histórias espirituosas de suas viagens. No entanto, quando Hickey aparece este ano, é com uma mensagem de temperança e uma exortação a desistir de sonhos sem esperança e enfrentar a realidade. (e 16 - Estimado 16 Anos)
A group of skiers are trapped inside a runaway train hurtling down a mountainside.
Inimigos à Força
F.J. Wilson
Two men who have been friends since childhood find themselves on opposite ends of the law.
A Chant of Silence
A murdering skyjacker parachutes to safety and poses as a novice monk in an isolated New Mexico monastery.
The Culpepper Cattle Co.
Thorton Pierce
Working as an assistant on a long cattle drive, the young Ben Mockridge contends between his dream of being a cowboy and the harsh truth of the Old West.
If Tomorrow Comes
Father Miller
In California, a young Caucasian girl and a Japanese-American boy defy local prejudices and secretly marry on Dec. 7, 1941, minutes before Pearl Harbor is attacked.
Um Homem Dificil de Matar
Fightin' Joe Hooker
Um velho cowboy percebe que o Oeste que ele conhecia e amava, em breve não existirá mais, e que não haverá espaço para ele também. Monte Walsh é um velho cowboy envelhecimento enfrentando os últimos dias da era do Velho Oeste. Como o arame farpado e as estradas de ferro de forma constante eliminam a necessidade dos vaqueiros, Monte e seus amigos ficam cada vez menos com boas opções. Novas oportunidades de trabalho estão disponíveis para eles, mas a liberdade da pradaria aberta é o que almejamos. Eventualmente, todos eles devem dizer adeus à vida que eles conheciam, e tentar fazer um novo começo.
R.P.M. - Revoluções Por Minuto
Rev. Blauvelt
R.P.M. stands for (political) revolutions per minute. Anthony Quinn plays a liberal college professor at a west coast college during the hedy days of campus activism in the late 1960s. Radical students take over the college, the president resigns, and Quinn's character, who has always been a champion of student activism, is appointed president. As the students continue to push the envelope of revolution, Quinn's character is faced with the challenge of restoring order or abetting the descent into anarchy.
Muralhas de Ódio
Boyd Wilkerson
An all-black inner city school has to become an integrated school. Few dozen white kids are transfered there, but the black students are aggressively opposed to this. The school then approaches a tough black teacher for help.
Os Rebeldes
Van Tosch
Um velho homem recorda 60 anos atrás de uma viagem de carro a partir do Mississippi rural para Memphis, uma corrida de cavalos e seu próprio crescimento. O avô de Lucius recebeu o primeiro automóvel na área, um Winton Flyer amarelo brilhante. Enquanto ele está fora, o empregado da plantação, Boon Hogganbeck, trama para emprestar o carro, levando Lúcio com ele para a aventura. Levam também o Ned, um mulato e primo de Lúcio. Os três vão para Memphis onde a namorada da Boon trabalha em um bordel, onde Ned troca o carrão por um cavalo de corrida, e onde Lucius descobre o mundo dos adultos - do racismo ao vicio e também as possibilidades de honra e coragem. Existe redenção para pilantras, malandros e rebeldes?
Independent film by early New Hollywood figure John Korty
Gallegher: The Mystery of Edward Sims
Ephrem Killigrew
The cub reporter, Gallegher, becomes involved in a land fraud, when some valueless land is sold to a group of Cornish immigrants. A murder implicates one of the immigrants, and it is up to Gallegher to prove that a local resident is actually the murderer and the swindler is a local banker.
A Sangue Frio
Herbert Clutter
Após um roubo mal planejado resultar no brutal assassinato da família Clutter, fazendeiros em Holcomb - Kansas, os dois criminosos fogem da polícia, mas no final acabam enfrentando seu próprio destino mortal e as repercussões da sua atrocidade vil. Truman Capote chegou a Holcomb um mês após o crime, após ler uma notícia curta sobre o caso no New York Times. Entrevistou familiares das vítimas e dos assassinos, recolheu documentos oficiais, leu cartas e diários, observou tudo, e assistiu ao enforcamento dos criminosos. Em 25 de setembro de 1965, a revista The New Yorker publicou o último dos 4 capítulos escritos por Capote sobre o assassinato da família Clutter. Batendo recordes de vendas da revista, em janeiro de 1966 o romance saiu em formato de livro, um "romance não-ficcional", considerado a primeira obra do New Journalism.
Rebeldia Indomável
Boss Keen
Prisioneiro durão enfrenta a todos da prisão e se recusa a ser quebrado, escapando e sendo preso novamente mais de duas vezes.
Dead to the World
A State Department employee, who is suspected of murdering a high government official, sets out to hunt down the real killer.