Ken Beauchene


Os Anos 60
Boom Operator
Durante o tumultuado período dos anos 1960, duas famílias americanas se encontram em situações distintas. Os Herlihy têm um filho no Vietnã. Enquanto isso, o filho da família Taylor se une ao Partido dos Panteras Negras.
Halloween H20: Vinte Anos Depois
Boom Operator
Depois de escapar do assassino mascarado, Laurie Strode forjou sua morte e reconstruiu sua vida mudando de nome e cidade. Agora, vinte anos mais tarde, Laurie e Lichael Myers estão prestes a se encontrarem novamente. Ele volta em busca de vingança, mas não é somente atrás dela que ele está. O terror começa para toda uma nova geração...
Golpe do Destino
Boom Operator
Jack McKee is a doctor with it all: he's successful, he's rich, and he has no problems.... until he is diagnosed with throat cancer. Now that he has seen medicine, hospitals, and doctors from a patient's perspective, he realises that there is more to being a doctor than surgery and prescriptions.
Warlock: O Demônio
Boom Operator
Na Boston do século XVII, a população assiste a condenação de um rapaz acusado de pactuar com o demônio. Mas ele é misteriosamente transportado para a Los Angeles de nossos dias, disposto a reunir as três partes da Bíblia do demônio e usurpar o poder de Deus.
Boom Operator
An intelligent pulse of electricity moves from house to house, terrorizing occupants through their own appliances. Having already destroyed one household in a quiet neighborhood, the pulse finds itself in the home of a boy and his divorced father.
Projeto Secreto, Macacos
Sound Recordist
Matthew Broderick trabalha para a força aérea, onde acaba envolvido em um projeto de experiências que envolve chimpanzés e simuladores de vôo.
A Última Festa de Solteiro
Boom Operator
Rick Gasko é um motorista de ônibus escolar que está prestes a se casar e seus amigos resolvem preparar aquela festa de despedida de solteiro com tudo a que tem direito. Preocupada, a noiva de Rick, Debbie, decide se disfarçar para espionar a festa que tem desde filmes pornográficos até prostitutas. Enquanto isso, o pai de Debbie contrata seu ex-namorado para reconquistar a filha, causando uma enorme confusão.
The Beach Girls
Boom Operator
School is out, and three girls head to the beach for vacation. Two of the girls are world-wise party-goers who attempt to loosen up their naive, virginal friend, whose uncle has allowed the girls to stay at his beach house. When the near-sighted, drug smuggling Captain Bly dumps his cargo of marijuana, the bales wash up on shore. The two party girls, Ginger and Ducky, quickly stuff the dope into giant bags and spirit it back to the beach house, where it fuels a party with assorted misfits, delivery persons, and passersby.
Burned at the Stake
Boom Operator
In 1692 in Salem, Massachusetts, young Ann Putnam accuses several residents of being witches, and they are tried and put to death. In 1980, young Loreen Graham is on a school outing to the Salem Witch Museum when a wax figure of a man from 1692 comes to life and accosts her. It seems that she may be the reincarnation of Ann, who has accused the man's 5-year-old girl of witchcraft and the girl is scheduled to be burned at the stake. Loreen must fight being possessed by Ann Putnam and confront the evil minister from 1692 who is consorting with Ann to falsely accuse people of witchcraft.
The Selling of Vince D'Angelo
Production Sound Mixer
Danny DeVito stars in and directs this critically acclaimed short film which was part of the ground breaking HBO/Cinemax anthology series, "Likely Stories." Danny plays corrupt Congressman Vince D'Angelo who is making a sleazy run to become Senator of New Jersey. In the process he spreads vicious rumors about his running mates and uses incendiary campaign commercials to get himself elected. His campaign is derailed when he is caught-on-tape giving a bribe to a G-man posing as a mobster. His response to the "Mobscam" debacle is to claim he was "conducting his own investigation" and then fakes an 11th hour assassination on himself to engender voter sympathy.