Armando Miguel Gómez


Buscando a Casal
When criticizing a high representative of power, a young poet will be subjected to all kinds of pressure. He will only manage to survive thanks to his elegant fantasy and admmirer. That artist is Julián del Casal, who will live in colonial Havana at the end of the 19th century.
Sergio and Sergei
Na Cuba pós dissolução da União Soviética, um radialista de classe média baixa consegue, por acaso, entrar em contato com um astronauta que orbita a Terra sozinho depois do governo ter abortado a missão de trazê-lo de volta para casa.
Júba Wajií­n. Resistencia en la montaña de Guerrero
Director of Photography
Mantis Nest
August 1994, and we had a multiple homicide in a small town in Cuba: two men and a woman. Azucar’s fathers. The young girl is the only witness. To prove her innocence, Azucar begins telling the life of her parents, the story of a love triangle that started 50 years ago, when Elena, Tomas and Emilio were just kids. In the town, everyone believes that Azucar is the murderer.
The Companion
Daniel (as Armando Miguel)
At the height of the 1980s AIDS epidemic, Cuban boxing champion Horacio's punishment for failing a drug test is to watch over the brash, combative Daniel, a patient in a sanatorium where HIV patients are compulsorily confined. The two collide as Daniel yearns for freedom while Horacio dreams of returning to the ring.
Numa Escola de Havana
O jovem Chala tem um comportamento problemático. A única pessoa que ele respeita é a professora, Carmela. Enquanto a relação entre eles aumenta, os dois passam a ser perseguidos na escola.
With the closure of the sugar mill, the little town of Molasses is devastated, lifeless. Aldo and Monica form a young married couple that do not find a way to survive. By supporting each other, they try to save their world without loosing their faith.