Dylan Glatthorn


A wealthy art collector's obsession with a young painter develops into a psychosexual relationship fueled by jealousy and delusion.
Fiona Humphrey: A Family Album
Fiona Humphrey (9 y/o) suffers from Sanfilippo Syndrome, a rare form of MPS that is slowly destroying her abilities and will ultimately kill her. Her mother Catriona suffers from an equally rare kidney disease. Her adolescent sisters Paige and Heather function as parents when their father Randy is working at Cracker Barrel, as the sole source of income. This is a look into their life, and the sacrifices they make to be happy.
Monty Comes Back
Depois de lutar com o seu chefe e perder o emprego, Monty foge de volta para casa para viver com seus pais sob falsos pretextos. Seus velhos amigos e familiares vão lidar com o seu ego inflado, enquanto ele chega a um acordo com o fato de que ele não é tão "grande" como acredita ser.
Down in Flames: The True Story of Tony Volcano Valenci
In 2013, a documentary film crew followed world-famous fire eater Tony "Volcano" Valenci on his quest to set a world record. This is his story.
Balrog: Behind the Glory
A documentary that dismantles the myths and lore surrounding one of Street Fighter's most commonly overlooked principal characters.