Elena López Riera

Elena López Riera

Nascimento : , Orihuela, España


Elena López Riera


A água
É verão em uma pequena vila no sudeste da Espanha. Uma tempestade ameaça fazer com que o rio que a atravessa volte a transbordar. Uma velha crença popular afirma que algumas mulheres estão predestinadas a desaparecer a cada nova enchente, porque elas têm a “água dentro”. Um bando de jovens tenta superar o cansaço de um verão na aldeia que cheira a morte fumando, dançando e cobiçando uns aos outros. Nesta atmosfera elétrica que antecede a tempestade, Ana e José vivem um caso de amor até que a tempestade estoura.
A água
É verão em uma pequena vila no sudeste da Espanha. Uma tempestade ameaça fazer com que o rio que a atravessa volte a transbordar. Uma velha crença popular afirma que algumas mulheres estão predestinadas a desaparecer a cada nova enchente, porque elas têm a “água dentro”. Um bando de jovens tenta superar o cansaço de um verão na aldeia que cheira a morte fumando, dançando e cobiçando uns aos outros. Nesta atmosfera elétrica que antecede a tempestade, Ana e José vivem um caso de amor até que a tempestade estoura.
Letter to My Mother for My Son
Carla está grávida e nua, exatamente como nas fotos de sua mãe quando estava grávida dela. Uma jovem viaja dos anos 1960 até os dias de hoje, passando pelos anos 1980, cruzando os limites da feminilidade e da história, até encontrar Carla grávida sob o céu azul da costa catalã.
Those Who Desire
Sound Director
In the South of Spain, a multicolored pigeon race will be won not by the fastest bird, but the one who will be able to seduce a female pigeon and fly alongside her the longest.
Those Who Desire
In the South of Spain, a multicolored pigeon race will be won not by the fastest bird, but the one who will be able to seduce a female pigeon and fly alongside her the longest.
Those Who Desire
Director of Photography
In the South of Spain, a multicolored pigeon race will be won not by the fastest bird, but the one who will be able to seduce a female pigeon and fly alongside her the longest.
Those Who Desire
In the South of Spain, a multicolored pigeon race will be won not by the fastest bird, but the one who will be able to seduce a female pigeon and fly alongside her the longest.
Those Who Desire
In the South of Spain, a multicolored pigeon race will be won not by the fastest bird, but the one who will be able to seduce a female pigeon and fly alongside her the longest.
At a party in Barcelona, Helena hopes to meet an old lover from who she is still in love. While the night moves forwards, her initial sensuality becomes disdain.
Las vísceras
A village in southern Spain. On a hot summer afternoon, a woman grabs a rabbit, strokes it, then kills it with her bare hands before skinning it. Her grandchildren witness this rite of death which they will never forget. The streets echo with an ancestral legend which has it that the spirit of a woman with a broken heart prowls at night, so that she will not be forgotten.
Las vísceras
Director of Photography
A village in southern Spain. On a hot summer afternoon, a woman grabs a rabbit, strokes it, then kills it with her bare hands before skinning it. Her grandchildren witness this rite of death which they will never forget. The streets echo with an ancestral legend which has it that the spirit of a woman with a broken heart prowls at night, so that she will not be forgotten.
Las vísceras
A village in southern Spain. On a hot summer afternoon, a woman grabs a rabbit, strokes it, then kills it with her bare hands before skinning it. Her grandchildren witness this rite of death which they will never forget. The streets echo with an ancestral legend which has it that the spirit of a woman with a broken heart prowls at night, so that she will not be forgotten.
Las vísceras
A village in southern Spain. On a hot summer afternoon, a woman grabs a rabbit, strokes it, then kills it with her bare hands before skinning it. Her grandchildren witness this rite of death which they will never forget. The streets echo with an ancestral legend which has it that the spirit of a woman with a broken heart prowls at night, so that she will not be forgotten.
After years of exile, Rafa returns to his village in the south of Spain and has to face all the ghosts left behind.
After years of exile, Rafa returns to his village in the south of Spain and has to face all the ghosts left behind.