Dipak Mukherjee


Sata Bose, the receptionist of hotel Shahjahan and other crew members work hard to make the hotel first choice of the upper class for socializing in the city, just got the taste of freedom from British rule. The movie revolves around different characters - hotel employees to page 3 personalities dealing different human emotions. Although Sata Bose (played by Uttam Kumar) is the central character of the film, he is not the protagonist in many ways, rather the movie can be described as "hyperlink movie" made long ago than the term is coined.
Suno Baranari
Himangshu is a villageman who apart from practicing homeopathy helps the local people with their odds and ends. One day he gets a call from a rich man to escort his daughter Juthika to Patna. At first the rich and spoilt lady takes much disliking for the plain and simple young man but after having seen him from close quarters starts liking him. Soon her marriage is fixed to a bigshot. She confesses her feelings to Himangshu however he declines her love as he had a similar love failure in the past and did not want a broken heart again. He decides to leave the place and go away. Juthika breaks her engagement, leaves her family behind and chooses to come along with Himangshu, proving all his apprehensions wrong.
Harano Sur
An amnesiac after a train accident, Alok Mukherjee (Uttam Kumar) is rescued on escaping from the asylum where he is admitted by doctor Roma Banerjee (Suchitra Sen) who takes him to her father's (Pahadi Sanyal) country house in a village called Palaspur. There, while treating him she falls for him and he for her. They marry but a second accident makes him recall his life as a rich businessman in Calcutta and forget the memories spent with Roma. Roma follows him to Calcutta and meets him there but he doesn't recognise her. He hires her as governess to his niece instead. Roma keeps trying to simulate Alok's memory but is looked at suspiciously by Lata, Alok's fiancee in Calcutta who thinks Roma is snatching Alok away from her and who complains to Alok's mother. The latter has Roma kicked out. Alok realizing she is from Palaspur and that is where he got back his memory goes there and regains his memory of times spent with Roma there. All's well that end well.
Chattogram Astragar Lunthan
Master Da Surya Sen, along with his companions and some major national freedom fighters, goes through various struggles and sacrifices while fighting for India's freedom from British rule.
Dedicated to patriots.